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Tom Stein

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Everything posted by Tom Stein

  1. Glad to hear the tutorial helped. Although not trivial, you can use the Mastcam SIS (Software Interface Specification) in conjunction with individual product labels to work out the pointing information. The scale is a bit tougher. We are working on adding image footprints to the traverse map to show orientation. We will also consider adding pointing information to the product overview page to at least provide basic information about where the image is relative to the rover. The Mastcam SIS is available here: http://an.rsl.wustl.edu/su/t8F4Tcw3 Note that this link may change as documents are updated. I found the document from the Resources tab under "Mission and instrument data set documents" and then choosing "Mastcam".
  2. Hi there. If you are looking at a Hazcam or Navcam image that is part of a stereo pair, you can use the Notebook's Image Viewer. There are measurement tools built in to let you obtain locations and distances and to view elevation profiles.The tool is a little hard to find--we recently started work on some tutorials to help users like yourself find these tools and learn how to use them, but they still are in production. In the meantime, let me briefly walk you through getting to and using the Image Viewer measurement tools. To get started in this example (a Navcam stereo pair from sol 1292), click on this link: http://an.rsl.wustl.edu/su/y6Y8N Side note, explanation of how I got to this page in the Notebook: Open the Analyst's Notebook for MSL and go to the Sol Summaries (the orange "sun" icon). This shows the data, documents, etc for each sol. If you click on a sol to expand it, you then have an option to expand the Data Products list for that sol. Clicking on any product in the list brings up a window about that product or group of products. Your screen should look something like screen shot 1. On the left is the sol summary list, and on the right is a Navcam stereo pair (and the resulting anaglyph image). We will work with the left image. The shortest was to get to the Image Viewer for that image is to click on the menu button where the red arrow is pointing in screen shot 1. A menu should open and your screen should look like screen shot 2. Now click on the Image Viewer link (in the red box in the screen shot 2). You should now see something like screen shot 3. Depending on your screen size, the Image Viewer space may be pretty small. You can get more area to work with by clicking on the two buttons highlighted in screen shot 3. In the Image Viewer, there is a left side with some controls, and the right side with the image. At the start, you are assigned the Pointer tool. Switch to the Distance Tool by clicking on the ruler icon highlighted in screen shot 4. A few things will happen. 1. The Distance tool icon will be highlighted in yellow to show it is selected. 2. Directions will appear (circled in red on screen shot 4) to show how to use the tool. 3. A purple overlay mask will appear to show where there are XYZ data in the image (purple is out of bounds). In this example I will create a distance using by following the instructions above the image: left click at the starting point, left click again where I want it to end, and then click the Complete button in the instructions. My screen looks like screen shot 5. There is an entry in the Distance table on the left. When I click on that like (in the red box in screen shot 5), the I have the opportunity to change the settings. I chose to increase the label size so it would be a little bigger. Note that you can export the image by selecting File > Download annotated image in the Image Viewer menu. Also, if you sign in with an account, your measurements will be saved and are loaded automatically the next time you open the image in the Image Viewer, even on another computer. There is additional Image Viewer help at this Notebook help page.
  3. Hi Brennan - Great questions. The easy one first. There are a couple of ways to access the SIS documents. From the product page (if you are looking at a specific Pancam image, for example), you can click on the blue help icon in the menu bar and select "All Pancam archive documents". That will get you a potentially overwhelming list of all sorts of documents from the archive volumes, such as calibration reports. As noted at the top of the list, the SIS files are in the list under "Documents". The data product SIS is the one you want. Another way to get to the data set documents is from the Resources tab. Click on the "View documents" link and then select an instrument to access associated documentation. Getting the image scale is a little trickier. We are developing a tool to provide distance to rover for most stereo images, as well as the ability to measure distances within the scene and to create elevation profiles. Until that tool is ready (planned for later in March), you can get this information by using the XYL image product that is created from a stereo pair. This three-band image contains the x,y,z position of pixels where there is stereo overlap. You can read more information about this in the data product SIS. You can access XYL and other derived products from the product page by selecting "Derived products and download" from "Product views" in the menu. Please ask if you have more questions.
  4. I also would like to see this functionality, and it is on our to do list. There is not a published list that matches targets to images, but we are trying to take data from various sources to make this happen. Your request will bump up the priority. Please email me with your disiderata for Edgar and I will try to help with that request in the short term. Send email to meran -AT- wunder.wustl.edu
  5. The mosaic search function is now online for both MSL (Curiosity) and MER (Spirit/Opportunity). Just go to the Search tab and then scroll down to the block of filters labeled "Mosaics".
  6. Hi Jun - We will check on the account creation and see what's going on. For the second part, I just started adding a "mosaic" category to the data search form this past Thursday. We'll put that function online as soon as we get it tested. Besides searching for anaglyph mosaics, are there any other filters or constraints you'd like to see included in the mosaic search?
  7. Hi ocpaul20 - Would you please post an example that you'd like to see worked through?
  8. The REMS RDR data were not available to add to the Notebook at the initial release. They now are online.
  9. Les - I will contact you offline so we can work through your example. Tom
  10. Hi Leslie - Yes, there is a way, although it is a little involved. The first thing is to undersatnd the coordinate systems used by the science instruments. There is a great document on this on the Resources tab of the MSL Analyst's Notebook (look for the "coordinate systems" link under the Resources tab (http://an.rsl.wustl.edu/msl/mslbrowser/tab.aspx?t=RE). Second, there is information in the label of each data product that gives the pointing information using a series of values named "MODEL_COMPONENT_1", "MODEL_COMPONENT_2", etc. In conjunction with the ROVER_MOTION_COUNTER values. For any image, you can find these values in the product label (in the Notebook, click on PDS Label from the image's Product drop down menu. Of course, you can download the label file with the image and look at the label in your computer editor. Third, you will want to look at the Softwaer Interfce Specification (SIS), a document that details the information in image label as well as the instrument's operational details. There is a SIS for each instrument, and these can be found by click on View Documents under the same Reource Tab as in step 1, and then selecting the instrument of choice. As you may surmise, this is not a trivial process. Please take a little time to look trhough this information and then ask questions. We can help walk you through the process if needed. Tom
  11. Hi Christoph - There was an error with our SQL server that has been corrected. I apologize for the incovenience. Thanks for taking the time to let us know--we will update our regular site "health checks" to include both Spirit and Opportunity Notebooks. Tom
  12. Mike - Does the Software Interface Specification (SIS) document contain the information you're looking for? We would be glad to walk through the SIS document with you and provide clarification if needed. Tom
  13. Hi Mike - The right place to start is the Data Product SIS (Software Interface Specification) file. Go to the "Resources" tab in the MER Notebook (http://an.rsl.wustl.edu/mer/merbrowser/browserFr.aspx?tab=res&m=MERB) and click on "Data Set Documents". Then, from "Pancam" choose the file "camera_dpsis.pdf". This file contains detailed information about the Pancam data products. Page 46 (using the document's page numbers, not the PDF file page numbers) describes the Surface Normal (UVW) data product type that you are working on. You may also want to read about the related XYZ products on page 45. Note that UVL files are the same as UVW files with the added process of linearization to take into account the camera model. This process is covered starting on page 43. Let me know if you have additional questions. Tom
  14. Hi Leslie - You are correct that not all of the images are color corrected. The image's "product ID " can be used to determine whether the image is in color (three bands) and what corrections have been made, if any. For example, take this Mastcam image from sol 169 http://an.rsl.wustl.edu/msl/mslbrowser/br2.aspx?tab=solsumm&p=0169MR0009100000201657E01_DRCL. The product ID is "0169MR0009100000201657E01_DRCL". Near the end, the "E" is a product type indicator for color images. The "DRCL" indicates that the image is radiometrically corrected and is color corrected. More information is available in the Mastcam Software Interface Specification, a thorough but technically detailed description of the Mastcam data products. Access this document in the mission and instrument documents in the Resources tab. Specifically, follow this link: http://an.rsl.wustl.edu/msl/mslbrowser/tab.aspx?t=re&mi=RM, then click on Mastcam and look for MSL_MMM_EDR_RDR.DPSIS.PDF in the document listing. Keep in mind that the browse images you see in the Analyst's Notebook are representations of the data, but not the actual science data that would be used to study seasonal atmospheric changes. These "quick look" versions are intended to give the user an idea of what is contained in a particular data product. For scientific research, one must download and work with the science data product. The specifc data products you give are grayscale images of the sky and sun. By looking at the Mastcam data product ID, 0169ML0009080030104676C00_DRCL, you can see that this is a "C" product type, which is a grayscale image. Because it is an image of the sun, solar filters are used and they cause the non-solar part of the image to be black. You can find more information about data products, including product IDs, in the online help at https://an.rsl.wustl.edu/msl/mslbrowser/help/default.htm#About%20the%20data/Data%20products/Data%20products.htm%3FTocPath%3DAbout%20the%20data|Data%20products|_____0
  15. Hi, Leslie - Here is how I find the time and date information. From the PIA image link you gave, the caption says the data are from sol 19. I then went to the Sol tab in the Analyst's Notebook and selected sol 19 from the drop down. Opening the tree menu on the left, I looked through the Mastcam images and found on with plenty of sky. (Remember, the PIA image is part of a mosaic of several Mastcam images stitched together.) Here is a direct lnik to the data product I was looking at: http://an.rsl.wustl.edu/msl/mslbrowser/br2.aspx?tab=solsumm&p=0019MR0000540010100171C00_DRCL Once the Mastcam image in the above link is open, click on the Product drop down in the menu bar and select PDS label to view the image metadata you are seeking. For example: MSL:LOCAL_MEAN_SOLAR_TIME = "Sol-00019M14:29:10.775"LOCAL_TRUE_SOLAR_TIME = "15:05:01"PLANET_DAY_NUMBER = 0019SOLAR_LONGITUDE = 160.882
  16. Hi ba75 - Good questions. Currently there is not an easy way to read a ChemCam LIBS data file into IDL. This is because the READPDS algorithm is unaware of two things: detached labels and format files.Unlike MER data, all MSL data has detached labels with the metadata that IDL needs to read in the data. IDL does not know about external labels. (Don't get confused by the attached label that exists within the .DAT file. It is for internal MSL use.) You can look in the detached label to see the format of the data table. You also will need to look in the format files for some of the table definition. Rather than repeat the definition for all 385 columns in every single detached label, there are pointers in the label to format files. You can find the format files in the label directory on the Geo web site (http://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/msl/msl-m-chemcam-libs-2-edr-v1/mslccm_0xxx/label/) or in the ChemCam data set documents on the Analyst's Notebook (http://an.rsl.wustl.edu/msl/mslbrowser/tab.aspx?t=re).
  17. Phil - Thanks for your interest in the Notebook. I absolutely agree that the features/targets listing is lacking in the Notebook at present. For MER, the targets listed right now are taken from the science activity plans, and they occur only when a planner typed in the name of the target for a given observation. For Phoenix, targets were culled from a table provided by the science team, with varying levels of success for placement within finder frames. We recently received a table of MER features from the science team and a working to incorporate the data within the Notebook. We are rolling this update in with some other "desirements", still a little ways off. We expect to be able to add features to the mosaics currently available in Mosaic Viewer (http://an.rsl.wustl.edu/mv/) as well. The plan is then to retrofit the same solution to the Phoenix site, as there are many similarities in the way the two missions operated. The final solution will still have some ambiguity, though. Early in the MER mission, target positions did not get "saved" from one sol to the next. That means that someone had to recreate a target if they wanted it the next day, and the positioning was not always the same. Nevertheless, working from this new data source should make for better information.
  18. The MER Analyst's Notebook has been updated with data from release 29, containing data from sols 2431 to 2520 for Opportunity rover. There are no new data for Spirit rover with this release. Also as part of this release: our new Mosaic Viewer beta project for viewing MER traverse maps and mosaics. See the Mosaic Viewer web site for details.
  19. I think you are looking at the XYL files of two sun pictures. Using the MER Analyst's Notebook, when I search for XYL files from Spirit sol 751, I only get two products: 2P193031917XYLAO55P2600L8M1 and 2P193053386XYLAOA0P2600L8M1. There are other Pancam images for sol 751, but they were not taken as a stereo pair, thus the program that automatically creates XYL files didn't run. Of course, an XYL file of a sun image is not very useful as the values you should see is the distance to the sun in meters.
  20. 1534 downloads

    CAT (CRISM Analysis Toolkit) User's Guide Related downloads CRISM Analysis Toolkit CAT V7.3.1 Release Notes CAT History String Description CAT Installation Guide Introduction to CAT Additional information is available from the Geosciences Node CRISM page.
  21. 3370 downloads

    CAT (CRISM Analysis Toolkit) Installation Guide Related downloads CRISM Analysis Toolkit CAT V7.3.1 Release Notes CAT History String Description Introduction to CAT CAT User's Guide Additional information is available from the Geosciences Node CRISM page.
  22. Applies to ITT ENVI image processing software versions 4.8 and earlier. PDS images do not always open correctly in ENVI because of a bug in ENVI's PDS image reader. A fix is promised with the ENVI 5.0 release. In the meantime, here is a workaround for the problem. Step 1. Get the correct image information from the PDS label. The PDS label describes the image data. You will need to determine the following values from the PDS label: Image offset (in bytes) Number of samples and lines Number of bands Data type Band interleave Step 2. Make corrections to errant values in ENVI's "Header Info" dialog. Update the image header info within the ENVI program's "Edit ENVI Header" dialog. The detached ENVI header will be created with the correct values and the image will be displayed correctly. EXAMPLE As an example, let's use the Mars Express HRSC file H1183_0000_BL4.IMG, available from our PDS Geosciences Node archives at this URL. This image has an attached label (there is a single file with the label information at the beginning and the image data at the end). The easiest way to get the needed values from the label is using the "more" command from the command line. C:\home\me>more h1183_0000_bl4.img PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 /* FILE DATA ELEMENTS */ RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 1986 FILE_RECORDS = 20475 LABEL_RECORDS = 6 : In ENVI, the image offset value tells ENVI how many bytes to skip at the beginning of the PDS image file before reading the image. This is determined by multiplying the number of RECORD_BYTES by the number of records before the beginning of the image. In this example, the label shows RECORD_BYTES = 1986 ^IMAGE = 12 Therefore the image offset is 1986 * 11 = 21846. (Note: we need the number of bytes before the image. The label indicates the image starts at record 12, so there are 11 records of 1986 bytes each before the image.) The remaining values are in the label's IMAGE object: OBJECT = IMAGE LINES = 20464 LINE_SAMPLES = 1986 SAMPLE_TYPE = UNSIGNED_INTEGER SAMPLE_BITS = 8 BANDS = 1 BAND_STORAGE_TYPE = BAND_SEQUENTIAL END_OBJECT = IMAGE Now, let's open the image in ENVI using File > Open Image File. The image is listed in the Available Bands List dialog, but an error message is displayed when we try to load the band. ENVI Retrieve Data: An error has occurred during processing Error: "READU: End of file encountered. Unit: 101, File: c:\work\me\h1183_0000_bl4.img" The result may be invalid. Close the error dialog. Let's edit the ENVI header using File > Edit ENVI Header. Choose the image in question from "Select Input File:" and click OK. Use the PDS label values to update those in the ENVI header and click OK. Now load click "Load Band" again in the Available Bands List. The image is now displays correctly in ENVI. Note: the ENVI Data Type is determined be a combination of PDS SAMPLE_TYPE and SAMPLE_BITS. For example, an 8-bit UNSIGNED_INTEGER PDS image is a Byte image in ENVI, whereas a 16-bit UNSIGNED_INTEGER PDS image is an Unsigned Int in ENVI.
  23. The MER Analyst's Notebook has been updated with data from release 28, containing data from sols 2341 to 2430 for Opportunity rover. There are no new data for Spirit rover with this release. New data are included for APXS, Atmospheric Opacity, Hazcam, Mössbauer, Microscopic Imager, Navcam, Pancam, as well as Rover Motion Counter and traverse data. No Mini-TES or RAT data are included in this release.
  24. Welcome to the new Analyst's Notebook forum. We've updated to a modern system and expanded the forum to encompass all of the Geosciences Node. In order to post, you will need to create and account (follow link in upper left of the page). Note that e-mail confirmation is required to complete registration.
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