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Hello all,

I have downloaded the following LROC NAC CDR files from the Lunar Orbital Data Explorer Node


  1. M1328074531LC
  2. M1328074531RC
  3. M1328081572LC
  4. M1328081572RC
  5. M1328088614LC
  6. M1328088614RC

I need to know the latitude and longitude coordinates corresponding to each of the 52224*5000 pixels. The  meta data section corresponding to the results on the above link only lists the center and extreme latitude/longitude coordinates. 


Kindly let me know how to proceed forward.




Hi Ayushman,

You can use gdal_translate command from gdal tool to translate the img data into a Geotiff, and use this Geotiff in any GIS tools.

Arcmap can read the PDS IMG data directly with all its spatial reference information. The version I used here is an old one 10.2.2. Higher version should also work.



Hi June,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

I am not familiar with ArcMap or any other GIS tool and am using MATLAB.

I wanted to know if it's possible to store the actual Latitude and Longitude coordinates for each pixel in an array or an excel file using ArcMap or any other freely available GIS tool ?



Hi Ayushman,
Sorry, these are LROC NAC CDR data products. They are not map projected, but you can still use Arcmap and Gdal to read the data. I confused them with the LROC RDR data in your other post at https://geoweb.rsl.wustl.edu/community/index.php?/topic/2804-details-needed-for-lroc-nac-mosaic-img-file/&tab=comments#comment-4594. I will keep a post there on how to get the lat&lon for each pixel of the LROC map projected RDRs.

In the index table under INDEX directory of the LROC CDR volumes, e.g., https://pds.lroc.asu.edu/data/LRO-L-LROC-3-CDR-V1.0/LROLRC_10**/INDEX/, you will find the lat&lon coordinates of the center point and 4 corner points. If you want to get the lat&lon for each pixel in the image, you will probably need to try the NAIF SPICE tools https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/naif/toolkit.html or USGS ISIS https://isis.astrogeology.usgs.gov/index.html to see if they have function for this.  



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