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Problems with received data from Messenger Orbital Data Explorer : MLA


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Hello everyone,

I don't know if this is the rigth place to ask this but i have a problem.

I have submit a request on Mercury Data Orbital Explorer for MASCS and MLA Data and it seems that the requested was not fulfilled.

I selected an area from Lat:15.26, Long:164.24 to Lat:14.71, Long:163.69 and asked for a RDR MLA which producti id is MLASCIRDR1201220114 and when I extract the data I needed, it turns out there were nothing within the box. So I plotted the track to see if it goes until the box and apparently it stop at Lat: ~34; Long:~350

So i wanted to know if you had any idea about how to solve my problem, or some person that I should contact which could help me having the Data. And if anyone here can help me i give here the order number : 140401-475.

Have a nice day

Best regards,

Herserant Willis
M2 Planetology

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The data in the product starts at 349.85819 longitude, 32.58430 latitude and runs to 166.74774 longitude, -8.37633 latitude.  There are 94,203 points in the product.  A rough check indicated that there are 592 points in your area of interest.  The .tab file should be 20,608KBs. If your not seeing that, maybe the product was somehow truncated in transmission.  Have you tried to open it in a text editor?



Keith Bennett

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I made a mistake, because for me Longitude is from -180 to + 180. Which mean that the area if from Lat:15.26, Long:344.24 to Lat:14.71, Long:343.69.

I Oppened it in Gedit to see the data, and it seems that we never go in range of the area I selected, I have also check this morning in my internet browser and it was the same problem.

Thank for helping me and for this quick answer

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Hi there again,

Sorry to bother you again but it seems that when i compute the data to see if the track go trough the box i requested there are also no data available.

I join you the plot i have made with the data i received. The box is represented by the red cross.
I am pretty sure that if the track continued, it will reach the box.

http://www.casimages.com/f.php?f=140411110513644413.pdf (Sorry i don't know how to host picture on the internet)

I don't know if there is a probleme with the pds file I have download, but even when I checked from the tab file on my browser, or in an text editor, I couldn't find any point within the box.
While the map search i made for MLA data told me that there were data in the box.
Moreover my mlascirdr1201220114.Tab file is 21.1 Mo, so i don't know what is wrong here.

Thank you for the time you spend helping me.

Have a nice day


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I think there is a misunderstanding.


The request i have made first was for a box from Lat:15.26, Long:344.24 to Lat:14.71, Long:343.69. Which correspond to the red dot on my chart.

The mlascirdr1201220114.Tab was in this box and that is why i don't understand why there are no data available for this area.

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Ah, I was using the coordinates listed in the initial post.


I just tried the Lat:15.26, Long:344.24 to Lat:14.71, Long:343.69 coordinates in ODE and got no results (i.e., there are no MLA RDR's in that area).  Looking on the map also shows no products in that region. 




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