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My name is Cat and I'm and undergraduate student. I'm willing to work with I/F TRR CRISM data but I have a doubt in matter of which data should I download between the sensor S (short) and the sensor L (long). Is there any difference? My main goal is to identify minerals with spectral signatures obtained from the data, does choosing between one or another influence in the identification process?

Also, after the download of all the products and derived files, which file is the one I should load to ENVI in order to start it's corrections? For example (image 1 below), is it the one contained in the "derived_files" or which one from the photo? I would really appreciate it if you could indicate me since I have been opening almost all of the files in ENVI  but the continuosly end up in an error (image 2 below).


image 1: files


image 2: ENVI opening file error



Hi Cat,

S and L have different wavelengths. Different minerals absorb and reflect light at different wavelengths. By using both L and S bands, you can analyze the spectral signatures of minerals and identify its presence. To be more familiar with CRISM data and how to use them, Would you please check the following link for walk-through of using CRISM data?



Please let me know if you have other questions.






Hi Feng, I was taking a look at the document you sent me and couldn't help but wonder, in which moment should I "map project" my TRR data? Is it before I make the PDS to CAT conversion or after? It is still not clear for me since I haven't been able to find that in the document. I'm asking this because I noticed that my image looks inverted and I believe it's because of the projection.

Again, thanks a lot, the information you have given me has helped.

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