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CRISM observations anomalies over South Polar Region


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Hello community,

While working with MSV, HSV crism ids of a region near the south pole, am finding strange results after processing CRISM cubes. These crism observations belong to the same period of the year (between Ls 180-270). While some crism images after atm correction and georeferencing seems fine, other show different colours and strange patterns (diagonal dark streak lines) and horizontal layers of diff colours (rightmost strip over the study region). 

While same procedure for processing the cubes has been applied, why some results are showing strange patterns. Does anyone have better understanding? (See attachment)


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I believe that your problem is that MSV0003211d has an incidence angle of ~87 degrees, which is very close to the horizon, and thus signal to noise is very low. In ODE Mars search find this frame and look at the metadata (look at incidence angle in the metadata list), which is an option when you select this frame.

Ray Arvidson

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