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Guest Mahima

Dear All,


As I am working in Planetary Sciences, I use hyperspectral imagery for analysis of spectral characteristics of minerals in extra - terrestrial body.


I found that CAT_ENVI extension is useful for such analysis.


I did download and tried to install as per the instruction found in




I am using ENVI 4.7 with IDL 7.1 in Windows 7. I added command lines as per given in the user guide. There was no errors while i Installed. But I couldn't find the 'CAT_ENVI' tab in ENVI menu.


Can anyone suggest me how to solve this issue.


Many thanks in advance.








Hi Mahima,


That's commonly caused by not setting up the envi.cfg file correctly. In the CAT distribution there are files envi_win.cfg and envi_unix.cfg (in CAT_ENVI directory). In your case (running Windows) you should copy envi_win.cfg to envi.cfg. If there's not a file called envi.cfg ENVI will not create the CAT_ENVI menu.


If you did create the envi.cfg file, the next thing to check is the IDL path. Try the command:

IDL> print,!PATH

the path should include several directories with Program Files/CAT_ENVI/...

If you don't see that ENVI probably won't find the files it needs to generate the CAT_ENVI menu. Try following the IDL path instructions again, and make sure you do the permanent path set method.


Let me know if neither of these is the problem and we can try some further troubleshooting.



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