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CRISM MSP data processing sequence.

Rachael Marshal

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Hi, I am trying to use the MSP I/F data from CRISM for spectral analysis. It is of the third version (TRR3). I followed these steps: 

1)Convert PDS file to CAT file

2)Photometric correction (divide by cosine of incidence angle)

3)Atmospheric correction using the Volcano Scan technique (default 61C4) 

However I am yet to do the destriping and despiking for the data cube. I am not sure of which option to use - CIRRUS clean cube or the MRO CRISM Remove Stripes. Additionally, I also found that in one of the workshop presentations, it is not necessary to go for destriping and despiking for TRR3 products.
Has anyone here processed MSP TRR3 data or have resources that explain the necessary pre-processing required? 

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Rachel: I am a CRISM Team Member and we have processed MSP data. The destriping is really for full resolution data, not so much for multispectral data. One of my graduate students, Thomas Condus, has been processing a lot of CRISM multispectral data. He can provide details as to how he has processed the data. His email is tcondus@wustl.edu. I will mention to him that you might be contacting him via email to ask for advice. It is currently about 7:30 AM CST and he typically comes in around 9 AM. He has helped several other students move through the sometimes complicated processing procedures and avoiding pitfalls in CRISM processing.

Ray Arvidson

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