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I use CRISM data for minerals mapping (in general). Is it possible to compare with GRS instrument (HEND or other products) elements concentration data/map? I am aware of the coarser resolution of GRS products i.e. ~300 km or 5 degrees whereas CRISM spatial resolution is 18/36 m/pixel. Is GRS data available at better resolutions? or by any means can compare these two diverse resolution data results? 

Can we use GRS instruments data for local mapping of elements concentration despite its coarser resolution? 

Your comments and suggestions would be highly admired and helpful...



Hi Chandan,

Thanks for your question! I think you've pointed out the main issue. The difference in the scale of GRS and CRISM data products is quite significant. For that reason,  you'd be comparing large regional areas (GRS) with many orders of magnitude smaller areas (CRISM). If the region was homogeneous, then no problem. However, heterogeneities exist on much smaller scales than GRS. A direct comparison with CRISM is not advisable for this exact reason. 


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