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Mars Odyssey, GRS instrument suite

Chandan Kumar

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Hi. I suggest you use the Orbital Data Explorer for Mars, http://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/.  Choose the Data Product Search tab, and open the Step One options. Select the desired GRS data sets under the ODY (Odyssey) heading. Then narrow down your search by product ID, location, or other criteria in Step 2. You can preview your search results in Step 3, and finally submit your query in Step 4. You can select the products you wish to download from the search results list. 

If you already know the ID or file name of the products you want, you can download them directly from the archive by following the links at http://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/odyssey/grs.html. Don't forget to download the PDS label that accompanies each product (*.LBL). It contains useful metadata about the product.


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Dear Dr. Susie Slavney,

Thanks for providing these details. I have some confusion in downloading from ODE Mars. When I choose the location as given below in the attached snapshot I cannot find the dataset. However, if I do not provide the location It shows a list of the dataset. 

My confusion is, how should I download these data set for a specific location. Could you please also suggest me the procedure of processing and interpretation of GRS instrument data?  Thanks ...



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