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Found 3 results

  1. June 12, 2024 Release of PDS4-migrated Clementine Reduced Bistatic Radar data bundle (https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/lunar/urn-nasa-pds-clementine1_bistatic/) at the PDS Geosciences (https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/) Node are loaded into ODE. The original PDS3 data volumes could be accessed from below links. https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/lunar/clem1-l-rss-5-bsr-v1/ ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/productsearch ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/mapsearch ODE Moon Holdings - https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/moon_holdings.html
  2. September 12, 2023 Release of PDS4 migrated Clementine LWIR brightness temperature data archives at the Geosciences Node are loaded into ODE. Please see the pds4_migration_notes for more information. ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexProductSearch.aspx ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexMapSearch.aspx ODE Moon Holdings - https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/moon_holdings.html
  3. I wish to utilize selected portions of Clementine NIR data. I downloaded a few files from the Lunar ODE. One of the downloaded folders was 'CL_0064', which further led to lun276 and lun277 folders and many subsequent folders. The final file had a (.276) extension, which I am not able to open in ENVI. Please let me know the correct procedure to open such files in ENVI or ArcMap. I also downloaded 'clemdcmp' and 'climdisp' from https://pdsimage2.wr.usgs.gov/archive/clem1-l_e_y-a_b_u_h_l_n-2-edr-v1.0/cl_0064/software/ . However, I am not able to install either of the software. Please help!
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