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  1. June 20th, 2020 - LRO Release 42 has been loaded into ODE. Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to March 14th, 2020 Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to March 14th, 2020 Updated LEND RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to December 14th, 2019 Updated Diviner EDR and RDR products from July 5th, 2009 to March 16th, 2020 Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to March 15th, 2020 Loaded Mini-RF new Version 3 Bistatic radar data products (EDR, RDR, and DDR) from January 28th, 2019 to September 29th, 2019 Updated LOLA EDR products from June 18th, 2009 to April 28th, 2020 Updated LOLA RDR products from July 13th, 2009 to April 28th, 2020 Updated LOLA RDR query tool database from July 13th, 2009 to April 28th, 2020 In Progress Diviner RDR query tool database from July 5th, 2009 to March 16th, 2020 Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html
  2. New LRO Diviner Polar Cumulative Products (PCPs) are available. Nadir-pointing RDR data from July, 5, 2009 to Feb 17, 2019 has been compiled at a resolution of 240 m/pix into polar stereographic maps of temperatures poleward of 80 degrees latitude at fixed local times and fixed subsolar longitudes to provide an overview of diurnal temperatures of the polar regions. The data have been divided into winter and summer seasons, defined by the times of year when the subsolar latitude is above or below the equator, to characterize the variations in seasonal temperatures that result from the 1.54 degree angle between the Moon's spin pole and the ecliptic plane. Details can be found in Williams, J.-P., B. T. Greenhagen, D. A. Paige, N. Schorghofer, E. Sefton-Nash, P. O. Hayne, P. G. Lucey, M. A. Siegler, and K.-Michael Aye (2019) Seasonal polar temperatures on the Moon, Journal of Geophysical Research, 124, 2505-2521, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JE006028. Data are available here: https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/lro/diviner.htm
  3. March 20th, 2020 - LRO Release 41 has been loaded into ODE. Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to December 15th, 2019 Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to December 14th, 2019 Updated LEND RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to September 14th, 2019 Updated Diviner EDR and RDR products from July 5th, 2009 to December 16th, 2019 Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to December 3rd, 2019 Loaded Mini-RF new Version 3 Bistatic radar data products (EDR, RDR, and DDR) from January 28th, 2019 to June 13th, 2019 Updated LOLA EDR products from June 18th, 2009 to January 22nd, 2020 Updated LOLA RDR products from July 13th, 2009 to January 22nd, 2020 Updated LOLA RDR query tool database from July 13th, 2009 to January 22nd, 2020 Updated Diviner RDR query tool database from July 5th, 2009 to December 16th, 2019 Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html
  4. Some users of LRO Diviner data have asked why there are some data products with negative temperature values. For example: "I'm exploring the temperature data of the Diviner, I have downloaded TB (Brightness Temperature) data for 6,7,8, and 9 channels and I found negative values (in K) in a few of the images after conversion (TB= (DN * scaling factor) + Offset). This negative value is not possible in K, I'm unable to understand this." Answers from Diviner team members: "The shorter wavelength channels are noisy at low temperatures. Each channel has a minimum temperature below which it becomes noisy. These minimum temperature cutoffs go down with longer wavelength channels, so channels 8 and 9 are really the only ones that return useful data in the PSRs. When the channel gets below this minimum temperature, it starts returning negative radiance values. This would explain why channel 4 is giving you negative temperatures, while channel 9 does not. I've attached the Supporting Material from the Paige et al 2010 Science paper [see attachment Paige.SOM.pdf]. The table gives the minimum temperatures for the IR channels (3-9)." (Dr. Jean-Pierre Williams, UCLA, 2019-03-11) "The negative temperatures are actually "good" data. When the net signal at the detectors after calibration gets close to zero, Diviner records both small positive and small negative radiances. When the negative radiances are turned into brightness temperatures, they are reported as brightness temperatures. Zero-ing out the negative radiances would be completely inappropriate, because it is possible to pull signal out of the noise by averaging. You should see more negative temperatures in the shorter wavelength channels (3-6), as well as all channels in the coldest places near the poles. When the thermal emission from the moon is so small that there is no measurable signal, there's a 50% probability that a small negative signal will be measured. We convert these to brightness temperatures, and flag them as negative brightness temperatures, with the understanding that negative temperatures are not possible. In isolation, you can't convert negative temperatures into meaningful temperatures. What we generally do is pick a threshold below which all temperatures should be ignored. This will vary depending on which Diviner channel you are using." (Dr. David Paige, UCLA, 2020-03-24) Paige.SOM.pdf
  5. December 20th, 2019 - LRO Release 40 has been loaded into ODE. Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to September 15th, 2019 Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to September 14th, 2019 Updated LEND RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to June 14th, 2019 Updated Diviner EDR and RDR products from July 5th, 2009 to September 16th, 2019 Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to September 15th, 2019 Loaded Mini-RF new Version 3 Bistatic radar data products (EDR, RDR, and DDR) from January 28th, 2019 to February 4th, 2019 Updated LOLA EDR products from June 18th, 2009 to November 7th, 2019 Updated LOLA RDR products from July 13th, 2009 to November 7th, 2019 Updated LOLA RDR query tool database from July 13th, 2009 to November 7th, 2019 In Progress Diviner RDR query tool database from July 5th, 2009 to September 15th, 2019 Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html
  6. September 16th, 2019 - LRO Release 39 has been loaded into ODE. Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to June 15th, 2019 Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to June 14th, 2019 Updated LEND RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to March 14th, 2019 Updated Diviner EDR and RDR products from July 5th, 2009 to June 16th, 2019 Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to June 15th, 2019 Updated Mini-RF Bistatic data products (EDR, RDR, and DDR) from April 6th, 2011 to July 6th, 2018 In Progress Diviner RDR query tool database from July 5th, 2009 to June 15th, 2019 Note: LOLA Release 39 data still in validation at PDS and will be loaded into ODE after being released on September 20. Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html
  7. June 24th, 2019 - LRO Release 38 has been loaded into ODE. Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to March 15th, 2019 Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to March 14th, 2019 Updated LEND RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to December 14th, 2018 Updated Diviner EDR and RDR products from July 5th, 2009 to March 15th, 2019 Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to March 16th, 2019 Updated Diviner RDR query tool database from July 5th, 2009 to March 15th, 2019. Note: LOLA Release 38 data still in validation at PDS and will be loaded into ODE after being released. Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html
  8. March 19th, 2019 - LRO Release 37 has been loaded into ODE. Updated LOLA EDR products from June 18th, 2009 to January 3rd, 2019 Updated LOLA RDR products from July 13th, 2009 to January 3rd, 2019 Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to December 15th, 2018 Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to December 14th, 2018 Updated LEND RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to September 14th, 2018 Updated Diviner EDR and RDR products from July 5th, 2009 to December 15th, 2018 Updated Mini-RF Bistatic data products (EDR, RDR, and DDR) from April 6th, 2011 to May 30th, 2018 Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to December 15th, 2018 Updated LOLA RDR query tool database from July 13th, 2009 to January 3rd, 2019 In Progress Diviner RDR query tool database from July 5th, 2009 to December 15th, 2018 Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html
  9. December 20th, 2018 - LRO Release 36 has been loaded into ODE. Updated LOLA EDR products from June 18th, 2009 to November 19th, 2018 Updated LOLA RDR products from July 13th, 2009 to November 19th, 2018 Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to September 15th, 2018 Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to September 14th, 2018 Updated LEND RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to June 14th, 2018 Updated Diviner EDR and RDR products from July 5th, 2009 to September 15th, 2018 Updated Mini-RF Bistatic data products (EDR, RDR, and DDR) from April 6th, 2011 to February 23rd, 2018. Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to September 15th, 2018 Updated LOLA RDR query tool database from July 13th, 2009 to November 19th, 2018 In Progress Diviner RDR query tool database from July 5th, 2009 to September 15th, 2018. Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html
  10. June 22nd, 2018 - LRO Release 34 has been loaded into ODE. Updated LOLA EDR products from June 18th, 2009 to May 7th, 2018 Updated LOLA RDR products from July 13th, 2009 to May 7th, 2018 Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to March 15th, 2018 Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to March 14th, 2018 Updated LEND RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to December 14th, 2017 Updated Diviner EDR and RDR products from July 5th, 2009 to March 15th, 2018 Updated Mini-RF Bistatic data products (EDR, RDR, and DDR) from April 6th, 2011 to September 28th, 2017. Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to March 16th, 2018 In Progress LOLA RDR query tool database from July 13th, 2009 to May 7th, 2018 In Progress Diviner RDR query tool database from July 5th, 2009 to March 15th, 2018. Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html
  11. March 21st, 2018 - LRO Release 33 has been loaded into ODE. Updated LOLA EDR products from June 18th, 2009 to January 3rd, 2018 Updated LOLA RDR products from July 13th, 2009 to January 3rd, 2018 Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to December 15th, 2017 Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to December 14th, 2017 Updated LEND RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to September 4th, 2017 Updated Diviner EDR and RDR products from July 5th, 2009 to December 15th, 2017 Updated Mini-RF Bistatic data products (EDR, RDR, and DDR) from April 6th, 2011 to June 28th, 2017. Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to December 15th, 2017 Updated LOLA RDR query tool database from July 13th, 2009 to January 3rd, 2018 In Progress Diviner RDR query tool database from July 5th, 2009 to December 15th, 2017. Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html
  12. zhang


    Hello, I had downloaded the LRO diviner RDR products,but filed to open these by ENVI. what tools should I use to mosaic the data. thanks.
  13. December 19th, 2017 - LRO Release 32 has been loaded into ODE. Updated LOLA EDR products from June 18th, 2009 to September 20th, 2017 Updated LOLA RDR products from July 13th, 2009 to September 20th, 2017 Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to September 15th, 2017 Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to September 14th, 2017 Updated LEND RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to June 14th, 2017 Updated Diviner EDR and RDR products from July 5th, 2009 to September 16th, 2017 Updated Diviner GDR products from July 5th, 2009 to October 23rd, 2016 Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to September 15th, 2017 Updated LOLA RDR query tool database from July 13th, 2009 to September 20th, 2017 In Progress Diviner RDR query tool database from July 5th, 2009 to September 15th, 2017. A few LOLA GDR count gridded products have been revised; see ERRATA.TXT for details. Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html
  14. September 26th, 2017 - LRO Release 31 has been loaded into ODE Updated LOLA EDR products from June 18th, 2009 to August 3rd, 2017 Updated LOLA RDR products from July 13th, 2009 to August 3rd, 2017 Updated LOLA GDR products from July 13th, 2009 to February 2nd, 2017 Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to June 15th, 2017 Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to June 14th, 2017 Updated LEND RDR_ALD, RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to March 14th, 2017 Updated Diviner EDR and RDR products from July 5th, 2009 to June 16th, 2017 Updated Diviner GDR products from July 5th, 2009 to October 23rd, 2016 Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to June 16th, 2017 Updated LOLA RDR query tool database from July 13th, 2009 to August 3rd, 2017 Updated Diviner RDR query tool database from July 5th, 2009 to June 16th, 2017. Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html
  15. June 20th, 2017 - LRO Release 30 has been loaded into ODE. Updated LOLA EDR products from June 18th, 2009 to March 28th, 2017 Updated LOLA RDR products from July 13th, 2009 to March 28th, 2017 Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to March 15th, 2017 Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to March 14th, 2017 Updated LEND RDR_ALD, RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to December 14th, 2016 Updated Diviner EDR and RDR products from July 5th, 2009 to March 15th, 2017 Updated Diviner GDR products from July 5th, 2009 to April 16th, 2016 Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to March 15th, 2017 In Progress LOLA RDR query tool database from July 13th, 2009 to March 28th, 2017 In Progress Diviner RDR query tool database from July 5th, 2009 to March 15th, 2017 Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html
  16. April 18, 2017 – A new LRO Diviner data set, Global Cumulative Products (GCP), has been loaded into ODE. GCPs are compiled from Diviner nadir observations from July 5, 2009, to April 1, 2015. The data set consists of mean brightness temperatures and bolometric brightness temperatures binned at 0.5 degree latitude and longitude and 0.25 hours local time. See GCPDS.CAT (http://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/lro/lro-l-dlre-4-rdr-v1/lrodlr_1001/catalog/gcpds.cat) and https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html for details.
  17. March 20th, 2017 - LRO Release 29 has been loaded into ODE. Updated LOLA EDR products from June 18th, 2009 to January 4th, 2017 Updated LOLA RDR products from July 13th, 2009 to January 4th, 2017 Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to December 15th, 2016 Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to December 14th, 2016 Updated LEND RDR_ALD, RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to September 14th, 2016 Updated Diviner EDR and RDR products from July 5th, 2009 to December 15th, 2016 Updated Diviner GDR products from July 5th, 2009 to November 4th, 2015 Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to December 15th, 2016 In Progress LOLA RDR Query Tool Database from July 13th, 2009 to January 4th, 2017. In Progress Diviner RDR Query Tool Database from July 5th, 2009 to December 15th, 2016. Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html
  18. December 19th, 2016 - LRO Release 28 has been loaded into ODE. Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to September 15th, 2016. Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to September 14th, 2016. Updated LEND RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to June 14th, 2016. Updated Diviner EDR and RDR products from July 5th, 2009 to September 15th, 2016. Updated Diviner GDR products from July 5th, 2009 to November 15th, 2014. Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to September 15th, 2016. In Progress Diviner RDR Query Tool Database from July 5th, 2009 to September 15th, 2016. Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html Note: No LOLA data are included in LRO Release 28 because of some technical difficulties at the LOLA Data Node.
  19. September 16th, 2016 - LRO Release 27 has been loaded into ODE Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to June 15th, 2016 Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to June 14th, 2016 Updated LEND RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to March 14th, 2016 Updated LOLA EDR products from June 18th, 2009 to July 26th, 2016 Updated LOLA RDR and GDR products from July 13th, 2009 to July 26th, 2016 Updated Diviner EDR, RDR, and GDR products from July 5th, 2009 to June 15th, 2016 Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to June 16th, 2016 In Progress LOLA RDR Query Tool Database from July 13th, 2009 to July 26th, 2016 In Progress Diviner RDR Query Tool Database from July 5th, 2009 to June 15th, 2016 Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html
  20. June 18th, 2016 - LRO Release 26 has been loaded into ODE. Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to March 15th, 2016 Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to March 14th, 2016 Updated LEND RDR_DLD products from July 3rd, 2009 to December 14th, 2015 Loaded new LEND RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to December 14th, 2015 Updated LOLA EDR products from June 30th, 2009 to April 21st, 2016 Updated LOLA RDR products from July 13th, 2009 to April 21st, 2016 Updated Diviner EDR and RDR products from July 5th, 2009 to March 15th, 2016 Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to March 15th, 2016 In Progress LOLA RDR Query Tool Database from July 13th, 2009 to April 21st, 2016 In Progress Diviner RDR Query Tool Database from July 5th, 2009 to March 15th, 2016 Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html
  21. April 21, 2016 - Revised Diviner GDR Level-3 data has been loaded into ODE Review the data set's errata file for details of the changes. http://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/lro/lro-l-dlre-4-rdr-v1/lrodlr_1001/errata.txt See https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html for a full list of data holdings in ODE.
  22. March 18th, 2016 - LRO Release 25 has been loaded into ODE. Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to December 15th, 2015. Updated LEND EDR_SCI and EDR_HK products from June 18th, 2009 to December 14th, 2015. Updated LEND RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to December 31st, 2015. Updated LEND RDR_DLD products from June 27th, 2009 to December 31st, 2015. Updated LOLA EDR products from June 18th, 2009 to November 20th, 2015. Updated LOLA RDR products from July 13th, 2009 to November 20th, 2015. Updated Diviner EDR and RDR products from July 5th, 2009 to December 15th, 2015. Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to December 15th, 2015. In Progress LOLA RDR Query Tool Database from July 13th, 2009 to November 20th, 2015. In Progress Diviner RDR Query Tool Database from July 5th, 2009 to December 15th, 2015. Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html
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