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PDS Geosciences Node Community

Dan Scholes

Geo Staff
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Everything posted by Dan Scholes

  1. The PDS Geosciences Node has created a Jupyter Notebook (jupyterNotebookViewIMG.zip) to provide users with an option for viewing a browse representation of a PDS3 or PDS4 image and saving it as a PNG file using Python code. A Jupyter Notebook is an open source web application interface for creating and sharing code examples and documentation. The patterns provided in the Jupyter Notebook can be used as a sample for your own code when working with PDS images in Python. More about the Jupyter Notebook can be found here: https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/tools/pds_image_jupyternb.html
  2. The PDS Geosciences Node Spectral Library has been updated to include a recent RELAB spectral data delivery to the existing RELAB spectral library data bundle. https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/speclib/urn-nasa-pds-relab/ The additions include 2,223 new measurements.
  3. Hi There, I'm sorry that we didn't respond sooner. I am happy to help. Are you still having this problem? Is this an attempt to download through the Orbital Data Explorer (ODE) cart, the PDS Geosciences Website, or another location? A specific URL example would be helpful as we work out the issue. Also, is this over a wireless network or a wired? Depending on the source location, I can provide some quick suggestions. If you are attempting to download from the PDS Geosciences Website, you could try Curl or Wget from our HTTPS locations, in addition to a web browser. We still support FTP downloads from the Geo website, which can be a convenient option, as well. When using the ODE cart, we provide the option to use the free Aspera high-speed data transfer plugin for your browser. When you mention that files are "corrupt", what issue are you seeing? Do the expected md5 checksums not match those provided or the file is only partially downloaded? Standard PDS .img files may throw a corrupt error if double clicked in a Windows environment because standard Windows doesn't know how to open them. For more information on opening img files, see our FAQ https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/faq.html Thanks, Dan
  4. A new database has been added to the PDS Geosciences Node Spectral Library. Frankenspectra Database Bundle - A SSERVI funded project to analyze, using reflectance spectroscopy, 27 fine-particulate (less than 10-um) terrestrial minerals to create a far-UV through MIR single spectrum built from the best pieces of spectra acquired at multiple US and international labs. https://pds-speclib.rsl.wustl.edu/
  5. The Orbital Data Explorer Team is pleased to announce the release of the map search upgrade. We have upgraded the interface to the latest version of the ESRI ArcGIS Maps JavaScript API. The update includes performance improvements and slight look updates for the map search features. Please report any questions to us at ode@wunder.wustl.edu. Mars ODE Map Search: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/mapsearch Lunar ODE Map Search: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/mapsearch Mercury ODE Map Search: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mercury/mapsearch Venus ODE Map Search: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/venus/mapsearch
  6. The PDS Geosciences Node will be hosting three peripheral events during LPSC 2024 March 11-15, 2024 The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center The Woodlands, TX PDS Geosciences Node Updates for Data Providers and Users (Tuesday 3 PM) Join the PDS Geosciences Node as we cover the latest on data archiving, preservation, and distribution. We will touch on the Node’s support for data providers and the planetary science user community and will share what is happening with the Node online tools and services. The session will be in the Creekside Park meeting space Tuesday at 3 PM. PDS Geosciences Node: Office Hours for Questions & Feedback (Wednesday 10 AM) Meet members of PDS Geosciences Node, have your PDS questions answered, learn about submitting data to the PDS, explore and walk through using the Node’s online data search and retrieval tools, and provide the Node with your feedback. We are here to help! The session will be in the Panther’s Creek meeting space Wednesday at 10 AM. PDS Geosciences Node Updates for Data Providers and Users (Wednesday 3 PM) Join the PDS Geosciences Node as we cover the latest on data archiving, preservation, and distribution. We will touch on the Node’s support for data providers and the planetary science user community and will share what is happening with the Node online tools and services. The session will be in the Creekside Park meeting space Wednesday at 3 PM. Stop by our LPSC posters: Thomas C. Stein and Feng Zhou, Updates to the PDS Analyst's Notebook (#1255) June Wang et al., Latest Updates to the PDS Geosciences Node’s Orbital Data Explorer (#1406) J. Ward et al., NASA PDS Geosciences Node Status Update (#1453)
  7. The PDS Geosciences Node has a new a quick start user guide for viewing PDS images and exporting the images to other formats. The guide is intended to help new users learn how to use free tools that are available with basic viewing and format transformations of PDS images. Document Link (PDF): Viewing PDS Images and Exporting to Other Formats
  8. The ODE REST interface has been updated to version 2.1.5. Update Summary: Added the ability to filter product count and product queries by PDS4 Product LID, Bundle LID, and Collection LID. Changed observation time and product creation time filters to no longer use wildcards. This change will have minimal impact on users, and only affects queries with one date time value provided with a wildcard. Now any minimum value will be used as a true minimum and the same for maximum values that are provided. This update aligns with recent changes to the ODE website. The updated help document is found here: https://oderest.rsl.wustl.edu/ODE_REST_V2.1.5.pdf For questions, contact us at oderest@wunder.wustl.edu.
  9. Direct URL links to files hosted by the PDS Cartography and Imagine Sciences Node have been updated in the ODE database. Old path to archives: https://pds-imaging.jpl.nasa.gov/data/ New path to archives: https://planetarydata.jpl.nasa.gov/img/data/ Links to the previous URL will redirect to the new path, but some users' software was having issues with following the redirects. It will take some time for the links to be updated in our coverage KML and Shapefiles, as well as the help documentation. The automatic redirects should handle most user needs, in the meantime. Please let us know if you need any assistance.
  10. The ODE product search update that uses faceted searching is now live on the primary website. The search result count is updated as a user proceeds through applying filters. The applied filters can be removed with the "Reset Form" button, which is now visible on the right side of the screen. Individual filters can be removed by clicking each applied filter on the right side of the screen. Mars ODE Product Search Mercury ODE Product Search Lunar ODE Product Search Venus ODE Product Search Contact the ODE development team directly at ode@wunder.wustl.edu if you have questions or encounter any issues with the website. Thanks!
  11. Minor back-end code updates have been made to the ODE Diviner RDR Query tool and the ODE LOLA RDR Query tool. For the Diviner Query tool, records with invalid calibrated temperature brightness (indicated with a -9999 value) will no longer be output by the query tool. This update is to align with the recent data releases that includes more of these values. See this page for more about the temperature brightness issue: https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/lro/diviner.htm In addition, the output query performance has been slightly improved. Please contact us ode@wunder.wustl.edu with any questions.
  12. ODE's Granular Data System (GDS) queuing and processing services have been moved to a faster processing server. Users may notice performance improvements on requests to the ODE GDS system. The GDS system allows users to request aggregate subsets of data points from select product types with long data track observations. The system supports MOLA PEDR, LOLA RDR, Diviner RDR, and MLA Geolocated Science Query product types. The system update applies to direct queries to these services through the ODE GDS REST interface, as well. https://oderest.rsl.wustl.edu/GDSWeb/ Please send questions or report any issues to ode@wunder.wustl.edu.
  13. The ODE Beta of the new faceted product search is available for user testing and review. https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/beta Features include data set counts, and date/time and angle product counts and ranges based on the current criteria. The results summary and view results section to the right side of the product search screen allows users to quickly view applied filters, total result count, and results summary. The section also includes buttons to view the search results in a table or on a map. The ODE development team is interested in your feedback. Direct questions and feedback to ode@wunder.wustl.edu.
  14. Hi Nathan, Thanks for posting the question. Email me at scholes@wustl.edu, and we can look at some options to help you download from our archive. Thanks, Dan
  15. An optional user login has been added to ODE. It's free and simple to use! Through this feature, users can save product searches, map searches, and product details pages! Past cart history and viewed product detail pages are accessible, as well. Click the anonymous user icon in the ODE banner to create an account or sign in. Additional user account information is found in the ODE help or email us at ode@wunder.wustl.edu with questions. Links to ODE versions Lunar ODE Mars ODE Mercury ODE Venus ODE For a quick example, we will display saving a product search result list as a bookmark. Example of Saving a product search result list (must be logged in): Click the "Bookmark Search" link. Then enter an optional description and save the bookmark. Saved bookmarks are accessed from the user icon menu in the ODE banner. From that location, bookmarks, history, and previous cart orders can be accessed. Here we are listing the saved bookmarks. Click a bookmark to open the saved location to a new browser tab.
  16. The PDS Geosciences Node Spectral Library has been updated to include a recent RELAB spectral data delivery to the existing RELAB spectral library data bundle. https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/speclib/urn-nasa-pds-relab/ The additions include 1,436 new specimens and 3,483 new measurements.
  17. A periodic RELAB spectral data delivery has been added to the existing RELAB spectral library data bundle. https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/speclib/urn-nasa-pds-relab/ The additions include 1,436 new specimens and 3,483 new measurements. The new measurements have been added to the PDS Geosciences Node Spectral Library.
  18. ODE's MRO Coordinated Observation Search interface has been updated to include an interactive map location selection option. Users can zoom-in to a desired search region and select a point, rectangle, or freehand polygon search area. https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indextools.aspx
  19. Release 54 from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission includes new data for CRISM, SHARAD, and Gravity/Radio Science. The data are online at https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/mro.
  20. We are pleased to announce that the USGS Unified Geologic Map of the Moon is now available through the Lunar ODE map search. The map is displayed as two map layers in ODE. 1. The first layer contains unit contacts, geologic unit polygons, linear features, and unit and feature nomenclature annotation. 2. The second layer, which we call the base layer is a shaded-relief product derived from SELENE Kaguya terrain camera stereo (equatorial, ~60 m/pix) and LOLA altimetry (north and south polar, 100 m/pix).
  21. We have released a new version of our MakeLabels tool. The new 6.2 version includes additional features to help with the creation of PDS labels. The program and documentation can be found on the PDS Geosciences Node's MakeLabels page. Version 6.2 updates include: The output label destination directory is created, if it does not already exist and the user has appropriate permissions. Any template label tags that are not replaced (due to syntax errors or missing columns in the spreadsheet) are listed in the post-processing summary report. The MakeLabel's GUI interface now has a sizeable report window. The report summary has been moved to the end of the processing output report. The option to upper or lower case fields from the source spreadsheet has been added to the template tags. A new template tag allows a single line to be hidden if it's corresponding field is empty in the spreadsheet. (example: <name><!-- |specimen_id| OR HIDE-THIS-LINE --></name>) Show if and hide if template tags no longer need to be left aligned in the template. These tags can be indented and spaced with the surrounding XML.
  22. We are pleased to announce the release of the PDS Geosciences Node Spectral Library website. See the release announcement under the main forum announcements. Feel free to ask questions and provide feature requests on this forum. Thanks!
  23. We are pleased to announce the release of the new PDS Geosciences Node Spectral Library website. The PDS Geosciences Node Spectral Library is a database of laboratory spectra submitted by various data providers. It currently includes spectra from the Reflectance Experiment Laboratory (RELAB) at Brown University. Additional data sets will be added to the website in the coming months. The website allows users to search the catalog of specimen and measurements using a facet search. Results can be viewed in quick view summary or full detail pages. Measurement data can be downloaded individually or through a cart system.
  24. Hi Christy, I just tried the Windows version of the software on my Windows 10 machine. It would not run properly, either. I think we can assume the software has not kept up with the latest operating systems. I do have a couple of alternative options. I have confirmed that the files can be viewed with the PDS4 viewer: https://sbnwiki.astro.umd.edu/wiki/PDS4_Viewer Using this tool, the data files can be exported as csv, tab delimited, and additional formats. Keep in mind that the archive you mentioned is both PDS3 and PD4 compatible. To use PDS3 tools, use the .lbl label, while PDS4 tools will use the .xml label. The XML label will be needed for the PDS4 Viewer. You could also write a script with IDL, MATLAB, Python, or another programming language to parse the data files. The column specifications are found in the label files. The PDS3 label file refers to format files which are found in the archive's label directory (https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/messenger/mess-e_v_h-grns-3-grs-cdr-v1/messgrs_2001/label/). The product you mentioned refers to https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/messenger/mess-e_v_h-grns-3-grs-cdr-v1/messgrs_2001/label/grs_cal_sh3.fmt. The PDS4 label contains all of the column definitions. Let me know if you have additional questions. Best wishes, Dan
  25. Hi There, I am one of the developers who maintains the ODE website. I ran the same query in the ODE LOLA RDR Query tool, and I received the same response. I believe it is reasonable. Remember, you are just limiting the output to one day. The tool is not setup very well for global coverage searches, but it can be done for narrow time windows. If you wish to query 2014-2019, I would suggest doing a region of interest. That is more of the objective of the query tool. The limited areas of coverage for 2014 and later is expected. The orbiter was in a different orbit and the instrument issues you mentioned. To see the different in coverage for later years, you can use the ODE map search page to filter LRO LOLA RDR coverage to specific time ranges. Link to map search interface: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexMapSearch.aspx Map interface limited to LOLA RDR (image mapSearch1.jpg) LOLA RDR filtered to 2014 observations. (image mapSearch2.jpg) Thanks, Dan
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