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How to correctly open and overlay map-projected HiRISE and CRISM products?

I know that they both should have the same projection (with different pixel size/map scale/spatial resolution).

But, unexpectedly they opened from the first pixel's location of the first opened raster layer and not accordingly and independently by the map coordinates of each rasters. See attached.






HiRISE and CRISM map projected data will not exactly overlay because they have slightly different pointings and associated errors. In addition, sometimes one needs to use a GDAL app (see attachment) to first change the map information for HiRISE to be consistent with the CRISM projection. I employ the GDAL app to get them closer and then I use ENVI's Image Registration Workflow with lots of control points and a triangular warp to do fine registration of HiRISE to CRISM. An issue associated with the ENVI app is that the difference in resolution between the two data sets cannot be more than a factor of six (check this number, I may be wrong). Thus, first down sample the HiRISE image to be amenable to use with CRISM data coregistration. So, the HiRISE data should have 3 m/pixel to work with 18 m/pixel ENVI data.


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