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How exactly is each summary product converted to an 8-bit RGB channel component of the browsing product? Is there a code procedure in CAT to use with IDL?

Are the values in the summary product at a normalized intensity from 0 to 1? If so then is it only left to convert the values to a range [0, 255]?





The spectral parameter maps from CAT are single band images in floating point. They are not RGB files. To colorize them I use ENVI's Change Color Table and switch to Rainbow. Other color palettes are also available. Not sure why you would want to loose information by converting them to byte RGB files.



I want to calculate the summary product sensitivity matrices of some new analog laboratory material spectrum and represent by a representative browse product RGB as Viviano et. al. (2014) did (attached figure), to use it to search similar RGB corresponding response of CRISM, which also leads me to this question I posted.




Thank you,



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