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opening ldem img files in ENVI 4.8

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Guest priya_s



How can I open LOLA DEM files for south pole 60m resolution on ENVI.

After putting in header information, it gives an error that the file is an invalid PDS file.


Kindly Help..!







Which version of the product are you using - the IMG version or the JPEG2000 version?  And what specific command are you using to load it?


I've tried both versions with ENVI 5.0 and they load fine.  But there have been several improvements with the 5.0 to better handle PDS labels so 4.8 may not work as well with LOLA DEM files.


Another approach would be to use GDAL_TRANSLATE to convert the file to another format such as GeoTIFF and then load the GeoTIFF into ENVI. 


One final note, your account was accidentally deleted as the source IP address was flagged as SPAM.  Sorry about this.  You will just need to create a new account.




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