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Hello, I am a fourth year Geology student, and for my research project I am doing a comparison of Martian and Terran Alluvial Fans. I'd like to use CRISM data to display the mineralogy of fans in craters. However, the way I was planning on doing this was using ArcMap to show intensity of pixels in bands. I'm not sure if this is a valid methodology and I'd appreciate any advice on how to go about displaying mineralogy. I understand that analysis can be done using ENVI, but I've not had any experience with this. I would also say I'm just about competent in using ArcMap.

Thank you!


Hi Maeve: ENVI is the main way that researchers process CRISM data, including mapping mineral parameter maps. Do you have access to ENVI? And do you know which CRISM scenes you would like to use? I can tutor you through using ENVI and CRISM data, but first let me know if you have access to ENVI software.

Ray Arvidson

Geosciences Node Manager and CRISM Team Member.


Hello Ray,

I do have access to ENVI software - I'm trying to get CAT extension downloaded at the moment. As for the CRISM data I want to use, I'm not too sure? I think MTRDR might be the best type?

Thank you so much,



Maeve: You are downloading CAT from our Geosciences Node site? Try incorporating it into ENVI 5.5.3 or 5.6, not the Classic version. If you need help let me know. We can then go from there. Tryi using our PDS Mars Orbital Data Explorer to find and download some MTRDR files.  I can help you get started on how to use the data once you get CAT working with ENVI.

Ray Arvidson

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Ray,

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to download CAT to work with ENVI due to administration restrictions in my University. I have managed to download MTRDR files. Is there any other way I can analyse this?



Maeve: You can load MTRDRs directly into ENVI without the need for the CAT extension. This is because these files come with an envi header. Let me know if this works for you.

Ray Arvidson


Hi Maeve: I would be happy to help out. In the past something like a one hour zoom session worked to get other users familiar enough with CRISM data to get them up and running on analysis. Let me know if this would be a good approach and when you might be available next week.



Maeve: I am in the Central Daylight Savings time zone (CDT). What is your time zone? I am thinking about a one hour Zoom session this Friday at 3 PM CDT. Tell me which MTRDR you would like me to load up for the session on how to do some analyses using ENVI.


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