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I am working with CRISM data on the McLaughlin Crater . I have downloaded following  IR dataset images

  • FRT0000CB488_07_IF166L_TRR3
  • FRT000139F7_07_IF166L_TRR3
  • FRT000247A0_07_IF166L_TRR3
  • HRS00006AC4_07_IF175L_TRR3
  • FRS00029E22_01_IF168L_TRR3
  • FRS0002B4DA_01_IF168L_TRR3
  • FRS0002C9DC_01_IF168L_TRR3
  • FRS0002DB50_01_IF168L_TRR3
  • FRS0002EF79_01_IF168L_TRR3
  • FRS0002FF3C_01_IF168L_TRR3
  • FRS0003134A_01_IF168L_TRR3
  • FRS00035729_01_IF168L_TRR3
  • FRS0003640C_01_IF168L_TRR3
  • FRS0003705A_01_IF168L_TRR3
  • FRT00009CAE_07_IF166L_TRR3
  • FRT0000A27C_07_IF166L_TRR3
  • FRT0000A5AA_07_IF166L_TRR3
  • FRT0000C42E_07_IF166L_TRR3
  • FRT0000C6AF_07_IF166L_TRR3

as well as those VNIR images:

  • hsv0001bf65_01_if209s_trr3
  • hsv0001e87c_01_if209s_trr3
  • hsv0002e57c_01_if209s_trr3
  • hsv0003f9e0_01_if209s_trr3
  • hsv00043b25_07_if209s_trr3
  • hsv000293cf_01_if209s_trr3
  • hsv000412d4_03_if209s_trr3
  • hsv000478c2_03_if209s_trr3
  • hsv0002003a_01_if209s_trr3
  • hsv0002246d_03_if209s_trr3
  • hsv0003793e_01_if209s_trr3

What would be the steps needed to process those images? As far as I understood I need to 
1) Convert PDS to CAT ( is it needed ?  ) before loading image into Envi 
1) ATM correction ( for VNIR images only photometric correction)
2) CIRRUS ( despike + destripe)
3) MRO CRISM remove stripes
4) Flatten summary products ( what does it do ? is it necessary ? )
5) Apply crism bad band list

Are the above steps correct/enough/in the correct order , and is there a script ( IDL whatever ) to process thos images as a batch task ?

I am doing a geological map of  the McLaughlin crater, using crism's "rock.sli" spectral library to map the geological units. Can this library be used with VNIR data, or only with IR data ?

Ralph Vidal



Hi Ralph: I would be glad to help you through CRISM processing, both as a CRISM Team Member and PDS Geosciences Node Manager. First what version of ENVI/IDL are you using? I suggest not using Classic but rather the new 5 series interface. I use version 5.5.3. Once we are set with ENVI then I can tutor you through the steps using a Zoom session, which I will record so you can play it back as needed. Waiting to hear from you.

Ray Arvidson

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Ray,

I finally managed to install  ENVI 5.5.3   on my computer.  As I wrote before , I  intend to use VNIR  crism data  with the  "rocks.sli" spectral  library.

The first picture  ( crism VNIR  images overlain on CTX mosaic )  shows the area I want to process .   

The second pic shows the results using SAM with Bandmax ( threshold of 0.05) applied to one  of  the VNIR images.   Does it make sense  ( using only VNIR  data with CRISM's "rocks.sli"  library ) ?   






Hi Ralph: Looks like you got pretty far along. Are you using CAT7.4 installed on ENVI 5.5.3? Also, typically, S data for CRISM do not contain as much mineral information as L data. I would use CAT 7.4 and the atmospheric correction in CAT to remove L data gas bands, then generate 2014 IR parameter maps and examine those for the presence of minerals like olivine, pyroxene, sulfates, and clays. Let me know if you downloaded and installed CAT7.4 from our web site.



Hi Ray,

yes, I got the CAT 7.4 from your website and installed it on ENVI 5.5.3 (  CAT does not appear on the menu when using envi classic, but it does not matter, as I am not using the classic gui ).    I am working with the S data because there is not enough L  data for this crater . Where L data is available , I will use it , otherwise I have use the S data .  It seems  the CAT tool  would only identify  ferric phases,  that is why I am trying to use ENVI's spectral angle mapping tool with the "rocks.sli"  library.

The CRISM data files I get from  http://themis-data.asu.edu/     ( for example  http://themis-data.asu.edu/viewer/crism#P=FRT0000A5AA_07_IF166L_TRR3&T=2   ) - not the processed ones , but the ones with the link on the page ( ddr1, lbl, .img etc)




Hi Ralph: I hope our Zoom session and discussion of how to process and interpret CRISM data was useful. Unfortunately, I forgot to check the button saying record this session. Anyway, if you have any other questions let me know by email or via the Forum. Best of luck with your master's degree research. Remember to think about where in the crater you might expect some underlying bedrock to be exposed.


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