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  1. This is the 15th release of CRISM MTRDR and TER data products. In addition, the volume MROCR_2103 is updated with new TRDR browse and extras data products.
  2. October 2nd, 2020 - Mars Odyssey Release 73 Data Updates Loaded NS and HEND raw and derived data into ODE through April 9th, 2020 Updated THEMIS standard data products (IREDR, IRRDR, IRBTR, VISEDR, VISRDR and VISABR data) from February 19th, 2002 to March 2nd, 2020 Updated THEMIS geometry data products (IRGEO2, IRPBT2, VGEO2, and VISALB data) from September 28th, 2013 to March 2nd, 2020 See https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html FYI – THEMIS team have some important electrical work that needs to be done on their building this weekend. Most likely all of their servers will be unavailable from Friday, Oct 2 (6pm AZ) through Monday, Oct 5 (6am AZ).
  3. Mars Odyssey Release 73 includes new GRS data. The new Raw data (EDR), Derived Neutron Data (DND), and Derived HEND Data (DHD) products cover the period January 1 through March 31, 2020. The new Averaged Neutron Data (AND) and Averaged HEND Data (AHD) products cover the period January 14, 2020 to April 9, 2020, which is Ls=135 to 180 in Odyssey mapping year 10. The data are online at the PDS Geosciences Node at http://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/odyssey/grs.html.
  4. Release 54 from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission includes new data for CRISM, SHARAD, and Gravity/Radio Science. The data are online at https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/mro.
  5. This bundle contains a detailed chronology of contact science (CS) activities and targets conducted by both MER rovers. The term contact science encompasses measurements executed by any of the instruments on the rovers’ Instrument Deployment Device (IDD), namely the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer, Mössbauer, Microscopic Imager, and Rock Abrasion Tool. The data were compiled and archived by the PDS Geosciences Node.
  6. This is the 14th release of CRISM MTRDR and TER data products. In addition, the volume MROCR_2102 is updated with new TRDR browse and extras data products.
  7. Release 24 from the Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity) mission includes new data for APXS, ChemCam, CheMin, DAN, and SAM. The data are online at pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/msl.
  8. July 3rd, 2020 - Mars Odyssey Release 72 Data Updates Loaded NS and HEND raw and derived data into ODE through Jan 14th, 2020 Updated THEMIS standard data products (IREDR, IRRDR, IRBTR, VISEDR, VISRDR and VISABR data) from February 19th, 2002 to December 2nd, 2019 Updated THEMIS geometry data products (IRGEO2, IRPBT2, VGEO2, and VISALB data) from September 28th, 2013 to December 2nd, 2019 See https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html.
  9. Release 53 from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission includes new data for CRISM, SHARAD, and Gravity/Radio Science. The data are online at pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/mro.
  10. SHARAD RDR data from the ASI team members have been posted, covering previous MRO releases 48-49 (through October 15, 2018). The team is recovering data from deliveries that were missed due to a hiatus in ground operations. See ERRATA.TXT for details. The data are available on the PDS Geosciences Node's SHARAD page.
  11. April 1st, 2020 - Mars Odyssey Release 71 Data Updates Loaded NS and HEND raw and derived data (EDR, DHD, DND, AHD, and AND) into ODE through October 8th, 2019 Updated THEMIS standard data products (IREDR, IRRDR, IRBTR, VISEDR, VISRDR and VISABR data) from February 19th, 2002 to September 3rd, 2019 Updated THEMIS geometry data products (IRGEO2, IRPBT2, VGEO2, and VISALB data) from September 28th, 2013 to September 3rd, 2019 See https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html.
  12. Mars Odyssey Release 71 includes new GRS data. The new Raw data (EDR), Derived Neutron Data (DND), and Derived HEND Data (DHD) products cover the period July 1 through September 30, 2019. The new Averaged Neutron Data (AND) and Averaged HEND Data (AHD) products cover the period June 28, 2019 to October 8, 2019 , which is Ls=45 to 90 in Odyssey mapping year 10. The data are online at the PDS Geosciences Node at http://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/odyssey/grs.html.
  13. MRO SHARAD raw and derived data from the ASI (Italian Space Agency) SHARAD Ground Operations Center are released covering the period May 12 through Aug. 17, 2019 (MRO Release 52). The SHARAD team will now be delivering derived data (RDRs) concurrent with MRO releases. The remaining backlogged RDR data from releases 48-51 will be delivered in the near future. See ERRATA.TXT for details. The data are available on the PDS Geosciences Node's SHARAD page.
  14. Release 23 from the Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity) mission includes new data for APXS, ChemCam, CheMin, DAN, and SAM. The data are online at pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/msl.
  15. Release 52 from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission includes new data for CRISM, SHARAD, and Gravity/Radio Science. The data are online at pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/mro.
  16. SHARAD RDR data from the ASI team members have been posted, covering previous MRO releases 36-47 (through April 20, 2018). The team is recovering data from deliveries that were missed due to a hiatus in ground operations. See ERRATA.TXT for details. The data are available on the PDS Geosciences Node's SHARAD page.
  17. February 7, 2020 – MRO HiRISE Updates - MRO HiRISE EDR, RDR, DTM and Anaglyph newly released data products through January 4, 2020 (Orbit 62,999) loaded into ODE See https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html
  18. January 10, 2020 – MRO HiRISE Updates - MRO HiRISE EDR, RDR, DTM and Anaglyph data products released through December 3, 2019 (Orbit 62,599) See https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html
  19. January 6th, 2020 - Mars Odyssey Release 70 Data Updates Loaded NS and HEND raw and derived data (EDR, DHD, DND, AHD, and AND) into ODE through June 30th, 2019 Updated THEMIS standard data products (IREDR, IRRDR, IRBTR, VISEDR, VISRDR and VISABR data) from February 19th, 2002 to June 4th, 2019 Updated THEMIS geometry data products (IRGEO2, IRPBT2, VGEO2, and VISALB data) from September 28th, 2013 to June 4th, 2019 See https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html.
  20. Mars Odyssey Release 70 includes new GRS data. The new Raw data (EDR), Derived Neutron Data (DND), and Derived HEND Data (DHD) products cover the period April 1 through June 30, 2019. The new Averaged Neutron Data (AND) and Averaged HEND Data (AHD) products cover the period March 24, 2019 to June 28, 2019 , which is Ls=0 to 45 in Odyssey mapping year 10. Please note that Ls=0 to 15 (March 24, 2019 to April 23, 2019) are not included for AHD because it did not have enough valid data points to create averaged data. The data are online at the PDS Geosciences Node at http://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/odyssey/grs.html.
  21. Release 22 from the Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity) mission includes new data for APXS, ChemCam, CheMin, DAN, and SAM. The data are online at pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/msl.
  22. Release 51 from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission includes new data for CRISM, SHARAD, and Gravity/Radio Science. The data are online at pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/mro.
  23. This is the thirteenth release of CRISM MTRDR and TER data products. In addition, the volume MROCR_2102 is updated with new TRDR browse and extras data products.
  24. Hi community, I'm working with ENVI 5.3 + IDL coupled with CAT 7.4 trying to process TRDR images (.trr3). I'm based primarly on the CRISM data processing workshop from 2012 and 2017 and my worksteps are as follows: 1.- Apply the ATM corrections with CAT to the images 2.- Apply de map projection fo the image 3.- Obtain the summary parameters image Nevertheless, I have certain doubts about this, so I would be very grateful if you can provide me some help please. My questions are: - Should I obtain the summary parameters and then apply the map projection or it is the opposite? - It is necessary the "ratioing" for the spectra and use the "Flatten summary parameters" option?. I've seen a post where its says that is enough the "Continuum Removed" option - How can i obtain a better resolution for the summary parameters image?. I've seen very good resolution images from papers that doesn't look like what I have obtaining (img_1) - When I create the summary parameters image the spectra doesn't look like the TRDR pure image because the data values change. Does that mean that I have to use the spectra from the TRDR and the summary parameters image is just like a "color guide" fot the mineral phases? (img_2) Finally, how can I use the summary parameters properly and elaborate mineralogical maps from they? Any help will be very appreciated, thank you. Wladimir wladimiracevedo@udec.cl img_1: The resolution that I'm getting from the summary parameters image after the custom stretch img_2: Spectra for the summary parameters image vs the original TRDR corrected image from the same pixel on both.
  25. October 7, 2019 – MRO HiRISE Updates - MRO HiRISE EDR, RDR, DTM and Anaglyph data products released through August 17, 2019 (Orbit 61,299) See https://wufs.wustl.edu/ode/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html
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