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Nathan Weinstein

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Everything posted by Nathan Weinstein

  1. Hi Feng, Thank you for following up on this topic and for confirming the accuracy of my results. I appreciate your efforts. Thank you, Nathan
  2. Thank you for reaching out to the creator, Feng. I truly appreciate your help and am eagerly waiting for the update. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, Nathan
  3. Hi Feng, The error is because you need to install Matlab’s Image Processing Toolbox Hyperspectral Imaging Library to use some functions such as enviinfo()and hypercube(). Interesting. Please, update me if you get any explanation for this problem. Thanks, Nathan
  4. Hello Feng, Thank you for your reply. Yes, of course. As mentioned, I used the FRT00009326 scene. When I load the custom browse product of the pre-calculated summary parameters of SINDEX2, D2300, BD1900_2 (stretch: [0.003, 0.020], [0.010, 0.038], [0.028, 0.058], respectively), by loading from the SU_TER cube – I get this (as should be): But when I am calculating these summary parameters with IF_TER cube by myself with the relevant algebra, I get different values in each parameter matrix (band), which get me this: Thanks, Nathan
  5. Hello Ray, Thank you so much for your reply. Attaching my Matlab `browse_product()` code (just change from `.txt` to `.m`) and a spectral library. Please run it and just follow the GUI instructions. I recommend using the default settings for the first time by hitting ‘Enter’ (and clicking on ‘OK’ in stretch parameters choose) through the process. The core function of the summary parameters calculations is inside the main code under the function name `calc_summary_parameters()`, which calls `calc_summary_parameter()` with its nested helper functions for each parameter name. I try to reproduce the work of Wray et al. (2010) with the FRT00009326 scene and bassanite mineral. Also, I’ve uploaded these files to my GitHub repo. Thanks a lot, Nathan Sulfates and Sulfite.txt browse_product.txt
  6. Hello, For my thesis completion: I’m trying to calculate the color of a lab reference mineral with the summary parameters formulations as Viviano et al. (2014) did in this figure (9): For that, I used the relevant summary parameters formulations described in Viviano et al. (2014), table 2, and section 4. But first, to check that my calculations are correctly implemented (using Matlab), I tried to calculate them on an IF_TER cube to reproduce the same browse product as I would get if I opened it by the pre-calculated summary parameters bands in the SU_TER cube (as was shown originally in the data processing pipeline by Seelos et al. 2011). Unfortunately, it wasn’t a matching result. What could be the problem? I appreciate any help you can provide. Nathan
  7. Hi, I’m using code that quarry data from the PDS archive, and I wonder if there is a way to utilize Aspera in batch/bash coding in a cluster with or without the Aspera program installed to increase the downloading speed. Thanks Nathan
  8. Great! Thank you so much! Cheers, Nathan
  9. Hello, How to correctly open and overlay map-projected HiRISE and CRISM products? I know that they both should have the same projection (with different pixel size/map scale/spatial resolution). But, unexpectedly they opened from the first pixel's location of the first opened raster layer and not accordingly and independently by the map coordinates of each rasters. See attached. Thanks, Nathan
  10. I want to calculate the summary product sensitivity matrices of some new analog laboratory material spectrum and represent by a representative browse product RGB as Viviano et. al. (2014) did (attached figure), to use it to search similar RGB corresponding response of CRISM, which also leads me to this question I posted. Thank you, Nathan
  11. Hi Ray, In the MTRDR pipeline, the BR (8-bit) derived from the SR that is 32-bit. My question is, how it was converted/processed? Thank you, Nathan
  12. Hello, What do I need to define a new mineral Type Locality? How do I search for new minerals that have not yet been defined with a type locality? I thought of calculating the RGB color of a target mineral lab reference spectrum, with related summary products and then looking for pixels in the related Browse Product scene that have a similar color. Is it a good way? If yes, how do I do the band math on a spectrum instead of on an image? And is there a way to do this with the codes from the directory ‘CAT_ENVI\save_add\CAT_programs\Additions\SummaryParams2014’ ? Thanks, Nathan
  13. Hello, How exactly is each summary product converted to an 8-bit RGB channel component of the browsing product? Is there a code procedure in CAT to use with IDL? Are the values in the summary product at a normalized intensity from 0 to 1? If so then is it only left to convert the values to a range [0, 255]? Thanks, Nathan
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