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Everything posted by Feng

  1. Hi Emran, Would you please try to do the processing again to see if the error showing again? I want to check if the error can be replicated or just one time issue. Thanks, Feng
  2. Hi Al, I am here to assistant you to fix this issue. By tracking the error message you posted, it seems there is some problem with ENVI views. When you do the processing, how many views do you open? It may be too many views opened so ENVI throws out an OVERLOADEQ error. Thanks, Feng
  3. Hi Al, I am ready to help. The problem to me seems an IDL_PATH issue. Would you please verify the following path in the idl.pref file (in default installation, it locates C:\Program Files\Harris\ENVI54\IDL86\resource\pref folder)? IDL_PATH: + C:\Programmi\CAT_ENVI;<IDL_DEFAULT> If there is no such statement in this file, would you please add it? Let's me know if you do see this path. Thanks, Feng Friday at 10:31 AM Edit Report Al Emran Hi Feng, Thank you for the reply. Yes, I have solved the problem. Thanks, Emran Sunday at 04:16 PM 0 Report
  4. Hi Al,

    I am ready to help. The problem to me seems an IDL_PATH issue. Would you please verify the following path in the idl.pref file (in default installation, it locates C:\Program Files\Harris\ENVI54\IDL86\resource\pref folder)?


    If there is no such statement in this file, would you please add it? Let's me know if you do see this path.






    1. Al Emran

      Al Emran

      Hi Feng,

      Thank you for the reply. Yes, I have solved the problem.



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