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June Wang

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Posts posted by June Wang

  1. June 15th, 2022 - LRO Release 50 has been loaded into ODE.
    Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to March 15th, 2022
    Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to March 14th, 2022
    Updated LEND RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to December 14th, 2021
    Updated Diviner EDR products from July 5th, 2009 to March 16th, 2022
    Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to March 16th, 2022
    Loaded Mini-RF new Version 3 Bistatic radar data products (EDR, RDR, and DDR) from January 28th, 2019 to October 29th, 2021
    Updated LOLA EDR products from June 18th, 2009 to May 11th, 2022
    Updated LOLA RDR products from July 13th, 2009 to May 11th, 2022

    Updated LOLA RDR query tool database from July 13th, 2009 to May 11th, 2022

    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexMapSearch.aspx
    ODE data holdings page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html


  2. June 8th, 2022 - MRO Release 61 Loaded into ODE.
    -    Updated MRO CRISM EDR and CDR products from September 27th, 2006 to February 9th, 2022.
    -    Updated MRO CRISM DDR products from September 27th, 2006 to February 8th, 2022.
    -    Updated MRO CRISM TRDR products from September 27th, 2006 to February 8th, 2022. Loaded the first delivery of MRO MSV TRDRs products from 2012 to 2020. (Note: The MSVs were not originally included in the archive because there was a flaw in the EDR construction that compromised the ability to calibrate the data. The EDRs have now been rebuilt and the data properly calibrated. The CDR supporting data for the MSV TRDRs have been added to the EDR/CDR volumes. MSV TRDRs for 2021 and onward will be added in future releases.)
    -    Updated SHARAD Radargram data products from U.S. released through November 12th, 2021 (orbits through 71698).
    -    Updated SHARAD EDRs and RDRs from SHARAD Operations from August 28th through November 6th, 2021 (orbits through 71631).
    -    Updated MRO MCS EDR, RDR and DDR products from September 15th, 2006 to January 31st, 2022 (orbits through 72737).
    -    Updated MRO CTX EDR products from August 30th, 2006 to November 30h, 2021 (orbits through 71941).
    -    Updated MRO HiRISE EDR, RDR, DTM and anaglyph products released through May 2nd, 2022 (orbits through 73899).

    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexMapSearch.aspx
    ODE data holdings page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html

  3. May 11th, 2022 - LRO LROC Release 50B has been loaded into ODE.
    - Loaded LRO LROC EDR and CDR data products released from 2022-1-16 to 2022-02-15

    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexMapSearch.aspx
    ODE data holdings page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html


  4. May 6th, 2022 - LRO Diviner Regional Cumulative Products (RCP) has been loaded into ODE. 
    - Loaded LRO Diviner RCP observed from July 5th, 2009 to March 1st, 2021. This is the first Diviner product to use the PDS4 standard.

    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexMapSearch.aspx
    ODE data holdings page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html


  5. May 6, 2022 – MRO HiRISE Updates
    - MRO HiRISE EDR, RDR, DTM and Anaglyph data products released through April 1, 2022 (Orbit 73499)

    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexMapSearch.aspx
    ODE data holdings page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html

  6. May 5th, 2022 - ESA's ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter ACS (Atmospheric Chemistry Suite) Data Updates
    Loaded ACS (Atmospheric Chemistry Suite) raw data released through May 3, 2022 into ODE
    - Raw Science Data with observation range from 2016-04-05 to 2020-06-11 (Orbit Range 0-11373)
    - Raw House Keeping Data with observation range from 2016-03-14 to 2021-11-03 (Orbit Range 2-17613)

    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexMapSearch.aspx
    ODE data holdings page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html


  7. May 5th, 2022 - New MEX HRSC RDR Version 4 Data Loaded into ODE
    - Added MEX HRSC new radiometrically calibrated (RDR version 4) image data into ODE, with coverage through June 30th, 2021 (Orbit 22108). The coverage now extends beyond the V3 data set. The V3 data will remain online for six months, through approximately October 31, 2022, and then it will be removed. The radiometric calibration of the HRSC RDR dataset was revised in this new version (V4). Update and revision details are described in chapter 2.4 of the HRSC EAICD in the document directory of each new volume.

    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexMapSearch.aspx
    ODE data holdings page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html


  8. May 3rd, 2022 - ESA's ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter NOMAD and CaSSIS Data Updates
    Updated NOMAD (Nadir and Occultation for MArs Discovery) raw, partially processed, and calibrated data released through April 30, 2022 in ODE
    - Raw data with observation range from 2016-04-04 to 2021-10-31 (Orbit Range 0-17576)
    - Partially processed data with observation range from 2016-04-04 to 2021-10-29 (Orbit Range 0-17551)
    - Calibrated data with observation range from 2018-04-21 to 2020-01-01 (Orbit Range 1829-9394)

    Updated CaSSIS (Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System) raw, partially processed, and calibrated data released through April 30, 2022 in ODE
    - Raw data with observation range from 2016-04-07 to 2021-10-25 (Orbit Range 0-17503)
    - Partially processed data with observation range from 2016-03-14 to 2021-10-05 (Orbit Range 0-17259)
    - Calibrated data with observation range from 2018-04-14 to 2020-02-22 (Orbit Range 1742-10034)

    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexMapSearch.aspx
    ODE data holdings page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html


  9. April 22nd, 2022 - New MEX OMEGA EDR and VMC EDR Data Loaded into ODE
    - Loaded MEX OMEGA (Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l’Eau, les Glaces et l’Activité) EDR data products for extended mission 7 and extended mission 8 released through April 29th, 2021 (Orbit 21896).
    - Loaded MEX new VMC (Visual Monitoring Camera) EDR data products for extended mission 8 released with coverage through June 30th, 2021 (Orbit 22107).

    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexMapSearch.aspx
    ODE data holdings page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html   

  10. April 11th, 2022 - LRO LROC Release 50A has been loaded into ODE.
    - Loaded LRO LROC EDR and CDR data products released from 2021-12-16 to 2022-01-15

    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexMapSearch.aspx
    Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html

  11. April 8, 2022 – MRO HiRISE Updates
    - MRO HiRISE EDR, RDR, DTM and Anaglyph data products released through March 1, 2022 (Orbit 73099)
    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexMapSearch.aspx
    ODE data holdings page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html

  12. April 4th, 2022 - Mars Odyssey Release 79 Data Updates
    - Loaded NS and HEND raw and derived data into ODE through September 30th, 2021
    - Updated THEMIS standard raw (IREDR, VISEDR), calibrated (IRRDR, VISRDR), derived (IRBTR, VISABR) data products from February 19th, 2002 to August 27th, 2021
    - Updated THEMIS Projected Data Products volume (ODTGEO), including special projected (IRGEO2, VGEO2) and projected derived (IRPBT2, VISALB) data products from September 28th, 2013 to August 27th, 2021

    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexMapSearch.aspx
    ODE data holdings page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html



  13. March 17th, 2022 - LRO Release 49 has been loaded into ODE.
    Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to December 15th, 2021
    Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to December 14th, 2021
    Updated LEND RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to September 14th, 2021
    Updated Diviner EDR products from July 5th, 2009 to December 16th, 2021
    Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to December 16th, 2021
    Loaded Mini-RF new Version 3 Bistatic radar data products (EDR, RDR, and DDR) from January 28th, 2019 to September 8th, 2021
    Updated LOLA EDR products from June 18th, 2009 to January 18th, 2022
    Updated LOLA RDR products from July 13th, 2009 to January 18th, 2022

    Updated LOLA RDR query tool database from July 13th, 2009 to January 18th, 2022

    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexMapSearch.aspx
    Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html


  14. March 3rd, 2022 - MRO Release 60 Loaded into ODE.
    -    Updated MRO CRISM EDR and CDR products from September 27th, 2006 to November 8th, 2021.
    -    Updated MRO CRISM DDR products from September 27th, 2006 to November 8th, 2021.
    -    Updated MRO CRISM TRDR products from September 27th, 2006 to November 8th, 2021.
    -    Updated SHARAD Radargram data products released from May 25th through August 10th, 2021 (orbits through 70498).
    -    Updated SHARAD EDRs and RDRs from SHARAD Operations from May 9th to August 12th, 2021 (orbits through 70525).
    -    Updated MRO MCS EDR, RDR and DDR products from September 15th, 2006 to October 31st, 2021 (orbits through 71556).
    -    Updated MRO CTX EDR products from August 30th, 2006 to August 31st, 2021 (orbits through 70773).
    -    Updated MRO HiRISE EDR, RDR, DTM and anaglyph products released through February 5th, 2022 (orbits through 72799).

    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page - https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page - https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexMapSearch.aspx
    Please see ODE Mars Holdings - https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html


  15. February 10th, 2022 - LRO LROC Release 49B has been loaded into ODE.
    - Loaded LRO LROC EDR and CDR data products released from 2021-10-16 to 2021-11-15

    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexMapSearch.aspx
    Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html


  16. February 4, 2022 – MRO HiRISE Updates
    - MRO HiRISE EDR, RDR, DTM and Anaglyph data products released through January 5, 2022 (Orbit 72399)
    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexMapSearch.aspx
    ODE data holdings page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html

  17. January 31st, 2022
    Release 19 of MRO CRISM MTRDR (Map-projected Targeted Reduced Data Record), TER (Targeted Empirical Record), and TRDR (Targeted Reduced Data Record) browse and extras data has been loaded into ODE. This release fills in data from February 9, 2010, through December 24, 2011. This is the final regular release of these data types.

    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexMapSearch.aspx
    ODE data holdings page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html


  18. January 14th, 2022 - LRO LROC Release 49A has been loaded into ODE.
    - Loaded LRO LROC EDR and CDR data products released from 2021-09-16 to 2021-10-15

    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexMapSearch.aspx
    Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html
    - The last set of volumes to be updated from the change to exclude two mask pixels from the image statistics is complete and have been re-released by the LROC team. . The additional re-loaded volumes in ODE are 44B, 44C, 45A, 45B, 45C, 46A, 46B, 46C, 47A, 47B, and 47C for EDRs and CDRs. See ERRATA.TXT under each volume for more information.


  19. January 14, 2022 – MRO HiRISE Updates
    - MRO HiRISE EDR, RDR, DTM and Anaglyph data products released through December 5, 2021 (Orbit 71999)
    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexMapSearch.aspx
    ODE data holdings page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html


  20. January 6th, 2022 - Mars Odyssey Release 78 Data Updates
    - Loaded NS and HEND raw and derived data into ODE through June 30th, 2021
    - Updated THEMIS standard raw (IREDR, VISEDR), calibrated (IRRDR, VISRDR), derived (IRBTR, VISABR) data products from February 19th, 2002 to May 29th, 2021
    - Updated THEMIS Projected Data Products volume (ODTGEO), including special projected (IRGEO2, VGEO2) and projected derived (IRPBT2, VISALB) data products from September 28th, 2013 to May 29th, 2021

    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexMapSearch.aspx
    ODE data holdings page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Mars_holdings.html


  21. December 20th, 2021 - LRO Release 48 has been loaded into ODE.
    Updated LAMP EDR and RDR products from July 6th, 2009 to September 15th, 2021
    Updated LEND EDR_SCI, EDR_HK, RDR_RSCI, and RDR_CHK products from June 18th, 2009 to September 14th, 2021
    Updated LEND RDR_DLD and RDR_DLX products from June 27th, 2009 to June 14th, 2021
    Updated Diviner EDR products from July 5th, 2009 to September 16th, 2021
    Updated LROC EDR, CDR and RDR products from June 30th, 2009 to September 15th, 2021
    Loaded Mini-RF new Version 3 Bistatic radar data products (EDR, RDR, and DDR) from January 28th, 2019 to June 29th, 2021
    Updated LOLA EDR products from June 18th, 2009 to October 21st, 2021
    Updated LOLA RDR products from July 13th, 2009 to October 21st, 2021

    Updated LOLA RDR query tool database from July 13th, 2009 to October 21st, 2021

    New data available through below links
    ODE product search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexproductsearch.aspx
    ODE map search page: https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/indexMapSearch.aspx
    Please see ODE Lunar Holdings - https://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/odeholdings/Moon_holdings.html

    - The release of Diviner RDR products has been delayed in order to correct a data processing error recently discovered. See errata.txt on the Diviner RDR volume for details.
    - Additional LROC volumes have been re-released by the LROC team to update the data quality id to reflect 2 mask columns being excluded from image statistics. The additional re-loaded volumes in ODE are 39C, 40A, 40B, 41A, 42A, 42B, 42C, 43A, 43B, 43C, and 44A for EDRs and CDRs. See ERRATA.TXT under each volume for more information.


  22. Hi Neha Panwar,
    Please visit the post below, which gave steps on how to define a datum in ENVI. After you change the datum from WGS 84 to D_Moon, It might solve your issue of offset. Feel free to post a screen copy of your result if you still have problems or any questions. Thanks,



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