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Found 2 results

  1. We were contacted by a user trying to read SHARAD EDR data with ReadPDS3 for IDL, but that tool does not read the bit fields and three-byte integers in the data product, and as it is a PDS3 tool it is not likely to be developed further. We suggested the following tools for working with SHARAD data. There was a SHARAD/MARSIS workshop at LPSC in 2014. Presentations are on the Geosciences Node’s web site at https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/workshops/sharadmarsis_Mar14.html. There's one by Than Putzig about the CO-SHARPS Processing Boutique, software that reads SHARAD products (not clear if he means EDRs, RDRs, or both) and creates radargrams, among other things. To get the software you have to request it from PSI at https://www.psi.edu/SHARAD. There are links to other software packages on the workshop page, but nothing specifically for reading EDRs. Most people prefer to use the RDRs. We have also posted an IDL script for generating browse images on the SHARAD page (https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/mro/sharad.htm), as an example of how to read an RDR product. It might be possible to modify the code to read an EDR. Finally, we have some C# code to read the SHARAD EDRs, but the code does not read every field in the *.dat file. If you can let us know which fields you are interested in, we can try to modify the code to see if it works. The user replied, "for now that's fine for us skipping the unread fields. We could read the other data columns by slightly modifying the label/fmts of the SHARAD EDR. In case we would have to actually use those specific fields, I think that we could implement some specific reading routines, but it is some time to spend we don't really have for a non-critical purpose."
  2. Dear all, I have a query that the SHARAD EDR echo data are saved by 8-bit signed integer or 8-bit unsigned integer? such as SHARAD 1689 orbit EDR data. for instance, when we read the EDR data of SHARAD 1689 orbit EDR data, which has two .data files named as e_0168901_002_ss19_700_a_a.dat and e_0168901_002_ss19_700_a_s.dat. We think that e_0168901_002_ss19_700_a_s.dat. file contains the expected echo data and the file e_0168901_002_ss19_700_a_a.dat only just contains the system information as auxiliary description of the echo data. Do we have the right understanding of this EDR data? Therefore we only emphasize on file e_0168901_002_ss19_700_a_s.dat to retrieve the expected echo data. When we extract the echo data from the file e_0168901_002_ss19_700_a_s.dat, we obtain the information that the SHARAD 1689 have 3786 bytes of each single-observations as A-scope and 4556 observations in along-track. The each observation has 3786 bytes which has last 3600 bytes contained the expected echo data, and the 3600 bytes echo data are stored as 8-bit signed integer while the header of each A--scope single observations are stored as 8-bit unsigned integer. The 186 bytes before the expected echo EDR data which has length of 3600 bytes illustrates the header system informations of each A-scope single observation data. Do we have the right understandings of the way of the data stored in .dat file? In the edrsis.pdf file, we find that there should include file E_0123405_001_SS07_700_A.data, but we can not find this file in the data storage website http://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/mars/indexDatasets.aspx. In the edrsis.pdf file, it describes that the e_0168901_002_ss19_700_a_s.dat. file is the Instrument data binary file and the e_0168901_002_ss19_700_a_a.dat represents Geometric information binary file, which can be found in page 15 in edrsis.pdf file. Can you explain these descriptions in edrsis.pdf file? Thanks you very much. We are looking forward to receiving answers from you. Best Regards, Andy
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