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  1. Release 27 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes new data acquired between March 15 and June 14, 2016, for CRaTER, Diviner, LAMP, LEND, LOLA, LROC and Radio Science. Data can be found on the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
  2. Release 38 from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission includes new data from CRISM, SHARAD, and Gravity / Radio Science. The data are online at pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/mro.
  3. Release 12 of Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) data includes new raw and derived data acquired on sols 1160 through 1293, along with revised versions of some previously released data. The data are available through PDS web sites, starting at the Geosciences Node MSL page. The MSL Analyst's Notebook is a useful tool for searching, browsing, and downloading MSL products.
  4. New Mars Odyssey GRS data are included in Release 56. Raw data, Derived Neutron Data (DND) and Derived HEND Data (DHD) products cover the period October 1 through December 31, 2015. Averaged Neutron Data (AND) and Averaged HEND Data (AHD) products cover the period September 23, 2015, through January 4, 2016, Ls 45 to 75. The data are online at the PDS Geosciences Node at http://pds-geoscienc...dyssey/grs.html.
  5. Release 26 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes new data acquired between December 15, 2015, and March 14, 2016, for CRaTER, Diviner, LAMP, LEND, LOLA, and LROC. Data can be found on the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
  6. Release 37 from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission includes new data from CRISM, SHARAD, and Gravity / Radio Science. The data are online at pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/mro.
  7. LOLA RADR (albedo) products, which were released for the first time in December 2015, have been replaced with a new set of RADRs. Only the file names have been changed; the files were incorrectly named in the previous delivery. The contents of the files have not been changed. With this revision the LOLA RADR data set has completed peer review. More information about this data set is in the file RADR_DS.CAT in the Catalog directory.
  8. New Mars Odyssey GRS data are included in Release 55. Raw data, Derived Neutron Data (DND) and Derived HEND Data (DHD) products cover the period July 1 through September 30, 2015. Averaged Neutron Data (AND) and Averaged HEND Data (AHD) products cover the period June 19 through September 23, 2015, Ls 0 to 45. The data are online at the PDS Geosciences Node at http://pds-geoscienc...dyssey/grs.html.
  9. Release 11 of Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) data includes new raw and derived data acquired on sols 1063 through 1159, along with revised versions of some previously released data. The data are available through PDS web sites, starting at the Geosciences Node MSL page. The MSL Analyst's Notebook is a useful tool for searching, browsing, and downloading MSL products.
  10. Release 25 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes new data acquired between September 15 and December 14, 2015, for CRaTER, Diviner, LAMP, LEND, LOLA, and LROC. Data can be found on the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
  11. The Geosciences Node is pleased to announce the release of two new Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM data sets, the Targeted Empirical Record (TER) and Map-projected Targeted Reduced Data Record (MTRDR) product suites. TER products are image cubes derived from CRISM hyperspectral targeted observations, post-processed to standardize the illumination and observation geometry and remove atmospheric gas absorptions and instrument artifacts. MTRDR products are the same data map-projected using terrain models of the Martian surface. The first delivery of these data sets covers the data acquisition period 2006-11-10 through 2007-11-01. Future deliveries are planned.
  12. Odyssey GRS HEND and Neutron Spectrometer raw and derived data for Release 54 are now online at http://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/odyssey/grs.html. This release includes data acquired between April 1 and June 30, 2015.
  13. Release 9 of Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) data includes new raw and derived data acquired on sols 805 through 938, along with revised versions of some previously released data. The data are available through PDS web sites, starting at the Geosciences Node MSL page. The MSL Analyst's Notebook is a useful tool for searching, browsing, and downloading MSL products.
  14. New Mars Odyssey GRS data are included in Release 52. Raw data, Derived Neutron Data (DND) and Derived HEND Data products cover the period October 1 through December 31, 2014. Averaged Neutron Data (AND) and Averaged HEND Data (AHD) products cover the period September 13 through November 25, 2014, Ls 180 to 240. The data are online at the PDS Geosciences Node at http://pds-geoscienc...dyssey/grs.html.
  15. Mars Odyssey Neutron Spectrometer and HEND data for Release 50 are now online. Derived products cover the period April 1 through June 30, 2014. Averaged products cover the period March 13 through June 23, 2014, Ls 105 to 150. The data are online at the PDS Geosciences Node at http://pds-geoscienc...dyssey/grs.html.
  16. Release 20 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes new data acquired between June 15 and September 14, 2014, for CRaTER, Diviner, LAMP, LEND, LOLA, and LROC. Data can be found on the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
  17. Data from Release 42 of the Mars Exploration Rover mission is now online at the PDS Geosciences Node and available through the MER Analyst's Notebook. This release includes APXS, Atmospheric Opacity, MI, Navcam, Pancam, Rover Motion Counter, and RAT data from sols 3601 through 3690 for the Opportunity rover.
  18. Release 7 of Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) data includes new raw and derived data acquired on sols 584 through 707, along with revised versions of some previously released data. The data are available through PDS web sites, starting at the Geosciences Node MSL page. The MSL Analyst's Notebook is a useful tool for searching, browsing, and downloading MSL products.
  19. Release 31 of data from the CRISM and Radio Science experiments on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is now online at the PDS Geosciences Node. This release covers data acquired between February 9 and May 8, 2014.
  20. Mars Odyssey Neutron Spectrometer data that were unavailable for the scheduled release on October 1 are now online. Derived Neutron Data (DND) products cover the period January 1 through March 30, 2014. Averaged Neutron Data (AND) products cover the period December 9, 2013, through March 21, 2014, Ls 60 to 105. The data are online at the PDS Geosciences Node at http://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/odyssey/grs.html.
  21. The third release of SHARAD Radargram data processed by the U.S. members of the SHARAD team is now available at the PDS Geosciences Node. It includes data acquired from September 9, 2010 through May 22, 2013 (orbits 19301 through 31965). Also included are some data from earlier orbits that were missing from previous releases (orbits 7899 through 10703). This data set differs from the original SHARAD RDR data set in that a different set of processing parameters were used, the details of which are described in the Radargram Processing Document in the DOCUMENT directory of the archive. Future releases of this data set are planned to occur approximately monthly until the data coverage has caught up with the regular MRO release schedule.
  22. New MESSENGER Radio Science spherical harmonics models (SHADR and SHBDR) have been released. http://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/messenger/rs.htm This is an interim Radio Science release. The next scheduled release of all MESSENGER data sets is March 6, 2015.
  23. Release 19 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes new data acquired between March 15 and June 14, 2014, for CRaTER, Diviner, LAMP, LEND, LOLA, and LROC. Data can be found on the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
  24. Data from Release 41 of the Mars Exploration Rover mission is now online at the PDS Geosciences Node and available through the MER Analyst's Notebook. This release includes APXS, Atmospheric Opacity, MI, Navcam, Pancam, Rover Motion Counter, and RAT data from sols 3551 through 3600 for the Opportunity rover.
  25. The second release of SHARAD Radargram data processed by the U.S. members of the SHARAD team is now available at the PDS Geosciences Node. It includes data acquired from December 15, 2007 through September 8, 2010. This data set differs from the original SHARAD RDR data set in that a different set of processing parameters were used, the details of which are described in the Radargram Processing Document in the DOCUMENT directory of the archive. Future releases of this data set are planned to occur approximately monthly until the data coverage has caught up with the regular MRO release schedule.
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