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Jennifer Ward

Geo Staff
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Posts posted by Jennifer Ward

  1. The Lunar Space Weathering Maps bundle consists of three global (±60°N) maps: the nanophase iron, microphase iron, and submicrophase iron abundance maps in weight percent. We modeled the SELENE (Kaguya) Multiband Imager (MI) data with the Hapke Radiative Transfer Model to derive these abundances. The maps were generated by David Trang (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa) and funded by the NASA Solar System Workings Program (SSW).

  2. New LRO Diviner Polar Cumulative Products (PCPs) are available. Nadir-pointing RDR data from July, 5, 2009 to Feb 17, 2019 has been compiled at a resolution of 240 m/pix into polar stereographic maps of temperatures poleward of 80 degrees latitude at fixed local times and fixed subsolar longitudes to provide an overview of diurnal temperatures of the polar regions. The data have been divided into winter and summer seasons, defined by the times of year when the subsolar latitude is above or below the equator, to characterize the variations in seasonal temperatures that result from the 1.54 degree angle between the Moon's spin pole and the ecliptic plane. Details can be found in Williams, J.-P., B. T. Greenhagen, D. A. Paige, N. Schorghofer, E. Sefton-Nash, P. O. Hayne, P. G. Lucey, M. A. Siegler, and K.-Michael Aye (2019) Seasonal polar temperatures on the Moon, Journal of Geophysical Research, 124, 2505-2521, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JE006028.

    Data are available here:


  3. MRO SHARAD raw and derived data from the ASI (Italian Space Agency) SHARAD Ground Operations Center are released covering the period May 12 through Aug. 17, 2019 (MRO Release 52). The SHARAD team will now be delivering derived data (RDRs) concurrent with MRO releases. The remaining backlogged RDR data from releases 48-51 will be delivered in the near future. See ERRATA.TXT for details. The data are available on the PDS Geosciences Node's SHARAD page.

  4. This bundle contains ASCII tables containing corrected, reduced, and concatenated versions of all available calibrated data from the Apollo 15 and 17 Heat Flow Experiment, along with supporting documentation and source data. These tables are based on other data in the PDS and the published literature, specifically (1) transcriptions of data sent by the original instrument team to the NSSDC and (2) data not archived by the instrument team and recovered much later from ARCSAV tapes. The data here correct several errors in (1), and furthermore place (1) and (2) into a standardized format for ease of use. This bundle was provided by Matthew Siegler (Planetary Science Institute) and Michael St. Clair and Chase Million (Million Concepts).

  5. If you are attending the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston next month, please consider stopping by the PDS booth. In addition to answering any questions you have about archiving with PDS, we will also be offering several training sessions you may find beneficial (schedule: https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/lpsc2020.html. We will also have multiple PDS-related posters on display Tuesday and Thursday.

    Hope to see you there!

  6. The Phoenix TEGA Derived Scanning Calorimetry bundle is released.

    This bundle consists of data from the original Phoenix TEGA archived calorimetry files with added power and differential power data. In addition, coefficents used for producing the fitted data are provided. The data products have been generated by Brad Sutter, Jacobs Technology, Inc., and funded by the NASA Mars Data Analysis Program (MDAP).

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