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PDS Geosciences Node Community

Jennifer Ward

Geo Staff
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Posts posted by Jennifer Ward

  1. LRO Diviner GDR, GCP, PCP, and PRP data products, previously found on the Diviner PDS3 RDR data volume, LRODLR_1001, have been moved to the Diviner derived data bundle, urn:nasa:pds:lro_diviner_derived1.

    Redirects have been implemented. Saved file paths within the old directories will be redirected to the same files in the new location, and attempting to navigate through the old directory structure will redirect you to the new location.

  2. This bundle consists of Passive Seismic Experiment (PSE) observations in two collections, the SEED (Standard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data) collection and the ASCII table collection. The SEED collection contains data in MiniSEED files and their metadata in DatalessSEED files. The ASCII Table collection contains the same data in PDS-compliant ASCII files, with the data in GeoCSV (comma-separated value) tables and the metadata in StationXML files. These data were compiled by Ceri Nunn, Yosio Nakamura, Sharon Kedar, and Mark Panning as part of a PDART project and archived by the PDS Geosciences Node.

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