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Release 45 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes new data acquired between September 15 and December 14, 2020, for most data sets. Data can be reached from the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
This is the 16th release of CRISM MTRDR and TER data products. In addition, the volume MROCR_2103 is updated with new TRDR browse and extras data products.
The MSL ChemCam Passive Surface Spectra Bundle is released at the PDS Geosciences Node. This bundle contains MSL ChemCam passive surface spectra calibrated to units of radiance and relative reflectance, along with a metadata table populated for each ChemCam passive spectrum. The data were generated by Jeff Johnson, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, and funded by the NASA Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools program (PDART).
Release 56 from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission includes new CRISM and SHARAD data. The data are online at
Geosciences Node data for InSight Release 7 are online at This includes data for RISE, RAD, IDA, and SEIS.
Release 44 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes new data acquired between June 15 and September 14, 2020, for most data sets. Data can be reached from the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
The Apollo Passive Seismic Experiment Expanded Event Catalog Bundle is released at the PDS Geosciences Node. This bundle contains an integrated catalog of lunar seismic events, including event timing, amplitude, quality, location, and classification of seismic sources, gathered from multiple published works as well as new analyses. These data were compiled by Renee Weber (NASA MSFC) as part of the PDART award “Apollo Passive Seismic Experiment Expanded Event Catalog.”
Release 55 from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission includes new data for CRISM, SHARAD, and Gravity/Radio Science. The data are online at
This is the 15th release of CRISM MTRDR and TER data products. In addition, the volume MROCR_2103 is updated with new TRDR browse and extras data products.
Geosciences Node data for InSight Release 6 are online at This includes data for RISE, RAD, IDA, and SEIS.
Release 43 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes new data acquired between March 15 and June 14, 2020, for most data sets. Data can be reached from the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
This bundle contains a detailed chronology of contact science (CS) activities and targets conducted by both MER rovers. The term contact science encompasses measurements executed by any of the instruments on the rovers’ Instrument Deployment Device (IDD), namely the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer, Mössbauer, Microscopic Imager, and Rock Abrasion Tool. The data were compiled and archived by the PDS Geosciences Node.
This is the 14th release of CRISM MTRDR and TER data products. In addition, the volume MROCR_2102 is updated with new TRDR browse and extras data products.
The Lunar Space Weathering Maps bundle consists of three global (±60°N) maps: the nanophase iron, microphase iron, and submicrophase iron abundance maps in weight percent. We modeled the SELENE (Kaguya) Multiband Imager (MI) data with the Hapke Radiative Transfer Model to derive these abundances. The maps were generated by David Trang (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa) and funded by the NASA Solar System Workings Program (SSW).
New LRO Diviner Polar Cumulative Products (PCPs) are available. Nadir-pointing RDR data from July, 5, 2009 to Feb 17, 2019 has been compiled at a resolution of 240 m/pix into polar stereographic maps of temperatures poleward of 80 degrees latitude at fixed local times and fixed subsolar longitudes to provide an overview of diurnal temperatures of the polar regions. The data have been divided into winter and summer seasons, defined by the times of year when the subsolar latitude is above or below the equator, to characterize the variations in seasonal temperatures that result from the 1.54 degree angle between the Moon's spin pole and the ecliptic plane. Details can be found in Williams, J.-P., B. T. Greenhagen, D. A. Paige, N. Schorghofer, E. Sefton-Nash, P. O. Hayne, P. G. Lucey, M. A. Siegler, and K.-Michael Aye (2019) Seasonal polar temperatures on the Moon, Journal of Geophysical Research, 124, 2505-2521, Data are available here:
Geosciences Node data for InSight Release 5 are online at This includes data for RISE, RAD, IDA, and SEIS.
Release 42 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes new data acquired between December 15, 2019, and March 14, 2020, for most data sets. Data can be reached from the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
Data for InSight Release 4 are online at This includes data for RISE, RAD, and IDA. SEIS data have been delayed, but will be released by April 3.
Release 41 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes new data acquired between September 15 and December 14, 2019, for most data sets. Data can be reached from the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.