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  1. Geosciences Node data for InSight Release 13 are online at https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/insight/index.htm. This includes data for RISE, HP3/RAD, IDA, and SEIS.
  2. The first release of MRO CRISM Version 4 MRDRs is now available. The data are online at https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/mro/crism.htm
  3. Release 50 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes new data acquired between December 15, 2021, and March 14, 2022, for most data sets. Data can be reached from the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
  4. Release 61 from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission includes new CRISM and SHARAD data. The data are online at https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/mro.
  5. The first of several LRO Diviner Regional Cumulative Products (RCP) has been released. This is the first Diviner product to use the PDS4 standard.
  6. Geosciences Node data for InSight Release 12 are online at https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/insight/index.htm. This includes data for RISE, HP3/RAD, IDA, and SEIS.
  7. Release 29 from the Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity) mission includes new data for APXS, ChemCam, CheMin, DAN, and SAM. The data are online at pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/msl.
  8. Release 49 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes new data acquired between September 15 and December 14, 2021, for most data sets. Data can be reached from the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
  9. Release 60 from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission includes new CRISM and SHARAD data. The data are online at https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/mro.
  10. This is the 19th release of CRISM MTRDR and TER data products. In addition, the volumes MROCR_2104, MROCR_2105, and MROCR_2106 are updated with new TRDR browse and extras data products.
  11. Geosciences Node data for InSight Release 11 are online at https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/insight/index.htm. This includes data for RISE, RAD, IDA, and SEIS.
  12. Release 48 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes new data acquired between June 15 and September 14, 2021, for most data sets. Data can be reached from the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
  13. Release 28 from the Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity) mission includes new data for APXS, ChemCam, CheMin, DAN, and SAM. The data are online at pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/msl.
  14. Release 59 from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission includes new CRISM and SHARAD data. The data are online at https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/mro.
  15. PDS products for the first two 3D radar images encompassing the polar regions of Mars, produced from observations on thousands of orbital passes of MRO SHARAD under MDAP funding, are now available at https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/mro/sharad_3d.htm. Non-PDS SEG-Y formatted data and other recent products continue to be available via https://sharad.psi.edu/3D.php.
  16. Geosciences Node data for InSight Release 10 are online at https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/insight/index.htm. This includes data for RISE, RAD, IDA, and SEIS.
  17. This is the 18th release of CRISM MTRDR and TER data products. In addition, the volumes MROCR_2103, MROCR_2104, MROCR_2105, and MROCR_2106 are updated with new TRDR browse and extras data products.
  18. Release 47 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes new data acquired between March 15 and June 14, 2021, for most data sets. Data can be reached from the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
  19. Mars 2020 Release 1 includes raw, calibrated, and derived data from sols 0 through 89, February 18 through May 20, 2021, for the Mastcam-Z, MEDA, MOXIE, PIXL, RIMFAX, SHERLOC, SuperCam, Helicam, and EDLCam instruments. Visit https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/mars2020/index.htm for details.
  20. Geosciences Node data for InSight Release 9 are online at https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/insight/index.htm. This includes data for RISE, RAD, IDA, and SEIS.
  21. Release 46 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes new data acquired between December 15, 2020, and March 14, 2021, for most data sets. Data can be reached from the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
  22. This is the 17th release of CRISM MTRDR and TER data products. In addition, the volume MROCR_2103 is updated with new TRDR browse and extras data products.
  23. Release 57 from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission includes new CRISM data. The release of SHARAD data is delayed. The data are online at https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/mro.
  24. A new batch of Earth-based Venus radar data has been released on the PDS Geosciences Node web site at http://pds-geoscienc...radar/index.htm. This release contains data collected on March 31, 2001, and from May 24 - May 30, 2020. This data set contains Earth-based, polarimetric radar image data for Venus collected from 1988 onwards, using the Arecibo Observatory 12.6-cm (2380 MHz) transmitter in Puerto Rico and receivers at either the Arecibo Observatory or the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia. The data were provided by Bruce Campbell of the Smithsonian Institution's Center for Earth and Planetary Studies and archived by the PDS Geosciences Node.
  25. Geosciences Node data for InSight Release 8 are online at https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/insight/index.htm. This includes data for RISE, RAD, IDA, and SEIS.
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