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  1. A new SHARAD derived data set is available from the PDS Geosciences Node. This is the first release of SHARAD Radargram data processed by the U.S. members of the SHARAD team. It includes data acquired from December 6, 2006 through December 15, 2007. This data set differs from the original SHARAD RDR data set in that a different set of processing parameters were used, the details of which are described in the Radargram Processing Document in the DOCUMENT directory of the archive. Future releases of this data set are planned to occur approximately monthly until the data coverage has caught up with the regular MRO release schedule.
  2. Raw and derived NS and HEND data from Release 48 of the Mars Odyssey Mission are now online at the PDS Geosciences Node. These data were acquired from October 1 through December 30, 2013.
  3. Release 29 of data from the CRISM and Radio Science experiments on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is now online at the PDS Geosciences Node. This release covers data acquired between August 9 and November 8, 2013.
  4. Raw and derived NS and HEND data from Release 47 of the Mars Odyssey Mission are now online at the PDS Geosciences Node. These data were acquired from July 1 through September 30, 2013.
  5. Release 5 of Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) data includes new raw and derived data acquired on sols 360 through 449, along with revised versions of some previously released data. The data are available through PDS web sites, starting at the Geosciences Node MSL page. The MSL Analyst's Notebook is a useful tool for searching, browsing, and downloading MSL products.
  6. Release 17 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes new data acquired between September 15 and December 14, 2013, for CRaTER, Diviner, LAMP, LEND, LOLA, Radio Science, and LROC. Data can be found on the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
  7. Data from Release 39 of the Mars Exploration Rover mission is now online at the PDS Geosciences Node and available through the MER Analyst's Notebook. This release includes APXS, Atmospheric Opacity, MI, Navcam, Pancam, Rover Motion Counter, and RAT data from sols 3331 through 3420 for the Opportunity rover.
  8. Release 11 of data from the MESSENGER Mission to Mercury is online at the PDS Geosciences Node. This release includes raw and calibrated data through September 17, 2013, and advanced data products through March 17, 2013.
  9. Release 28 of data from the CRISM and Radio Science experiments on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is now online at the PDS Geosciences Node. This release covers data acquired between May 9 and August 8, 2013.
  10. Raw and derived NS and HEND data from Release 46 of the Mars Odyssey Mission are now online at the PDS Geosciences Node. These data were acquired from April 1 through June 30, 2013.
  11. Release 4 of Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) data includes new raw and derived data acquired on sols 270 through 359, along with revised versions of some previously released data. The data are available through PDS web sites, starting at the Geosciences Node MSL page. The MSL Analyst's Notebook is a useful tool for searching, browsing, and downloading MSL products.
  12. Release 16 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes new data acquired between June 15 and September 14, 2013, for CRaTER, Diviner, LAMP, LEND, LOLA, and LROC. Data can be found on the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
  13. Data from Release 38 of the Mars Exploration Rover mission is now online at the PDS Geosciences Node and available through the MER Analyst's Notebook. This release includes APXS, Atmospheric Opacity, MI, Navcam, Pancam, Rover Motion Counter, and RAT data from sols 3241 through 3330 for the Opportunity rover.
  14. Release 27 of data from the CRISM and Radio Science experiments on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is now online at the PDS Geosciences Node. This release covers data acquired between February 9 and May 8, 2013.
  15. Raw and derived HEND data from Release 45 of the Mars Odyssey Mission are now online at the PDS Geosciences Node. These data were acquired from January 1 through March 31, 2013.
  16. Release 15 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes data from the LEND, LOLA and Diviner experiments covering the period March 15 - June 14, 2013. Data can be found on the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
  17. Release 3 of Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) data includes new raw and derived products acquired on sols 180 through 269. The release also includes revisions of some previously released data products through sol 89. The data are available through PDS web sites, starting at the Geosciences Node MSL page. The MSL Analyst's Notebook is a useful tool for searching, browsing, and downloading MSL products.
  18. Data from Release 37 of the Mars Exploration Rover mission is now online at the PDS Geosciences Node and available through the MER Analyst's Notebook. This release includes APXS, Atmospheric Opacity, MI, Navcam, Pancam, Rover Motion Counter, and RAT data from sols 3151 through 3240 for the Opportunity rover.
  19. Raw and derived HEND data from Release 44 of the Mars Odyssey Mission are now online at the PDS Geosciences Node. These data were acquired from October 1 through December 31, 2012.
  20. Release 14 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online at the Geosciences Node. This release includes data from the LEND, LOLA, Diviner, and Radio Science experiments covering the period December 15, 2012, through March 14, 2013. Data can be found on the Geosciences Node LRO page. The Lunar Orbital Data Explorer allows searching and downloading of LRO data.
  21. Release 2 of Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) data includes new raw and derived products acquired on sols 90 through 179 (November 6, 2012 through February 3, 2013). The release also includes revisions of most previously released products through sol 89. The data are available through PDS web sites, starting at the Geosciences Node MSL page. The MSL Analyst's Notebook is a useful tool for searching, browsing, and downloading MSL products.
  22. Data from Release 36 of the Mars Exploration Rover mission is now online at the PDS Geosciences Node and available through the MER Analyst's Notebook. This release includes APXS, Atmospheric Opacity, MI, Navcam, Pancam, Rover Motion Counter, and RAT data from sols 3061 through 3150 for the Opportunity rover.
  23. Mars Science Laboratory ChemCam derived (RDR) data products for sols 10-89 are now online. These data were delayed for reprocessing to correct errors. Data for sols 0-9 will be included in MSL Release 2 in June 2013. The ChemCam RDR archive is available from the PDS Geosciences Node at http://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/msl/chemcam.htm.
  24. Part 2 of the first release of data from the Mars Science Laboratory rover, Curiosity, is now online at the PDS Geosciences Node. Part 2 includes derived data products (RDRs) acquired on sols 0 through 89 (August 6 through November 5, 2012) for these instruments: APXS, CheMin, Hazcam, Navcam, REMS, and SAM, along with CheMin raw (EDR) data. Part 1, released February 27, 2013, included raw data products (EDRs) acquired on sols 0-89 for the APXS, ChemCam, DAN, Hazcam, Navcam, and REMS instruments, along with SPICE data. Release of the following datasets has been delayed: ChemCam RDRs, DAN RDRs, and RAD EDRs and RDRs, and all MAHLI, MARDI, and Mastcam products. These data sets will be released as soon as they are made available to PDS.
  25. Data from Release 13 of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission are now online. This release includes data acquired between September 15 and December 14, 2012, for most instruments. No Mini-RF or Radio Science data are included in this release. Direct links to the LRO archives are on the PDS Geosciences Node LRO web page, and tools for searching, displaying and downloading selected data products are available through the Lunar Orbital Data Explorer.
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