Jennifer Ward
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Blog Comments posted by Jennifer Ward
Assigning Map Information to PDS Images in ENVI
A group blog by PDS Geo in General
User Aeronstorm
Dec 31 2016 05:00 AM
Hi, I am trying to georeference, project and mosaic chandrayaan - 1, HYSI PDS 3 format files. It has a .qub and a label fle .lbl containing metadata. Do i need a separate grid file to georeference the raster ? What are the alternative softwares that can be used to finish the job ? It is an old post... But ,hey if anyone is hanging around .... help me. Thanks.
User June Wang
Jan 03 2017 03:05 PM
Hi Aeronstorm, I haven't worked with Chandrayaan HYSI data before, but I would recommend ENVI for your work. ENVI works with multi-spectral and hyper spectral PDS data. It also includes geometric correction/registration, raster re-projection, and mosaicking tools. As for the grid, you can use it or not, depending on your own application. Feel free to let me know if I am wrong or if you have any difficulties with ENVI. Thanks, June
User Aeronstorm
Jan 03 2017 08:33 PM
Thank you June. I did try the data with ENVI and it works fine. I need to know that if the polar stereo graphic projection technique mentioned above by you for LRO LOLA produts can be used with other Lunar satellite images.
User June Wang
Jan 04 2017 10:17 AM
Hi Aeronstorm, Glad that ENVI works for you. The polar stereo graphic projection mentioned above should work with other Lunar data in ENVI. But please pay attention to below two points. 1) Three map projection files related to the definition of datum, ellipse and map projections were saved under the default system folder where ENVI was first installed. It varies on different machines and different versions of ENVI being installed. E.g., for ENVI 5.3 in my machine, it was at "C:\Program Files\Exelis\ENVI53\classic\map_proj" 2) you may need to change the parameters in the string in file map_proj.txt according to your own projection being used. "31, 1737400.0, 1737400.0, 90.000000, 0.000000, 0., 0., Moon North Polar Stereographic" is for Moon North Polar Stereographic projection "31, 1737400.0, 1737400.0, -90.000000, 0.000000, 0., 0., Moon South Polar Stereographic" is for Moon South Polar Stereographic projection In the string, 31 means Polar Stereographic projection in ENVI, 1737400.0 and 1737400.0 are the a and b value of an ellipse, (90.000000, 0.000000) degrees in (lat, lon) corresponds to (0, 0)m in a projected map. You may modified those numbers to apply for different projections you would like to use in ENVI. And it is not limited to Moon. Hope this will answer your questions. Thanks, June
User Aeronstorm
Jan 05 2017 02:16 AM
Thanks June. Can i use the datum created as D_moon_2000 for other projections such as sinusoidal or should i create new datum file for other projections?
User June Wang
Jan 05 2017 09:42 PM
In the string "D_Moon_2000, GCS_Moon_2000, 0, 0, 0", added to file datum.txt, 'GCS_Moon_2000' is the name of an ellipse defined in file ellipse.txt If you use the same ellipsoid for other lunar projections, you can use the same lunar datum, otherwise, change the datum accordingly.
User Aeronstorm
Jan 06 2017 02:42 AM
Thanks June. I am trying to use sinusoidal projection for my satellite image. Should i change the sphere radius equal to one mentioned on the ellipse.txt?
User June Wang
Jan 06 2017 11:26 AM
Would you please give me more information about the satellite image you are working on? e.g., instrument, product type, product ID etc. And if you can post your current projection string for your data, I can take a look. Thanks.
User Aeronstorm
Jan 07 2017 01:38 AM
Thanks June. I am working on Chandrayaan M3 data. Product ID- M3G20090421T082045_V03_RDN. map_proj.txt - 16, 1734000.0, 276.331769, 0.0, 0.0, moonsinusoidal
User June Wang
Jan 09 2017 10:26 AM
Hi Aeronstorm, Is '1734000.0' a typo? The radius should be 1737400.0. I am not sure ENVI works with longitude in the range of [0, 360] or [-180, 180]. If 276.331769 doesn't work for you, you can try to change it in the range of[-180, 180]. Otherwise, your map projection string looks fine for me. And you can use the same datum as above mentioned. thanks
Assigning Map Information to PDS Images in ENVI
A group blog by PDS Geo in General
User Shubhra mathur
Aug 02 2014 02:26 AM
I have prepared the mosaic of Lunar poles using the Mini-RF data of LSZ where the pixel resolution is 14.8 in ISIS software but when I visualize the data in ENVI i did not get the Latitude and Longitude values how do I can get this help me...
User June Wang
Aug 05 2014 10:19 AM
Hi Shubhra mathur, I am not sure if you got my e-mail yesterday. Or maybe you have solved your problem. Would you please provide some more detail about your question if you need further help? 1) Do you process the LRO mini-RF CDR data? 2) Can you provide me the product_ID of the data you are processing, so I may reproduce your issue? 3) What kind of ISIS output you used to be read in ENVI. Does that file have a ENVI header *.hdr? Thanks! June
User Shubhra mathur
Aug 06 2014 12:52 AM
Dear Dr. June Wang, I have used the MAPCDR data of the Mini-RF and processed the data strip in the ISIS software using its different module and prepared the mosaics of the North pole. for example the product id of Mini-RF datastrip is lsb_00260_2cd_oiu_87s283_v1.img. When i visualize this strip in ENVI i did not get the latitude and longitute so i try to edit the map info of this file in the option of edit ENVI header but still i am not able to edit the map info of this file. Could you please help me in this regard.
User June Wang
Aug 07 2014 10:39 AM
Hi Shubhra mathur, I also had hard time to change the map projection parameters in ENVI for this product. If you read Trent Thare's post at the below link, you will find ISIS is currently the only package working with Oblique Cylindrical projection data. You would need to reproject MAPCDR data to a different projection in ISIS for ENVI to understand the map projection. Then you can view it in ENVI in X,Y meters. Please let me know if you need further help. Thanks. https://isis.astrogeology.usgs.gov/IsisSupport/index.php/topic,2698.msg11049.html#msg11049
Assigning Map Information to PDS Images in ENVI
A group blog by PDS Geo in General
User pmishra
Sep 20 2013 05:21 AMHi... This was useful information. I am using LRO Lola's roughness data (LDRM_75N_240M.img). I was trying to open it in ENVI. However problem occurs in putting values for map projection. Which value should be given for latitude in true scale etc.? Could you please specify the values to be entered for this data type. It would be too helpful if you please tell me how to correctly open the LRO roughness data in ENVI. Regards- Pooja
User June Wang
Sep 25 2013 11:35 AM
Update the Projection of LRO LOLA Products in ENVI 5.0 classic When working with the LRO LOLA Products, the JP2000 products are read in ESRI® ArcGIS with the correct map projection information, but ENVI cannot read the PDS IMG and JP2000 products correctly. The following steps will take LOLA GDR product: "LDRM_75N_240M.img" as an example, and show you how to fix this in ENVI 5.0 classic. 1. Update the map projection files - ENVI includes three map projection files related to the definition of datum, ellipse and map projections. First check where ENVI points to the map projection files. - Select File > Preference, under User Defined Files Tab, find Map Projection File. - If the right blank is empty, ENVI will point to the map projection files saved under the default system folder where ENVI was first installed, e.g.,"C:\Program Files\Exelis\ENVI50\classic\map_proj\" for ENVI 5.0 classic. This path may vary machine by machine. Otherwise, ENVI will point to the map projection files saved in the path as defined in the right blank. - Go to the folder where ENVI points to the map projection files. Backup the three files: "datum.txt", "ellipse.txt", and "map_proj.txt" before you make any changes. - Update file datum.txt - Open datum.txt - Add string "D_Moon_2000, GCS_Moon_2000, 0, 0, 0" to the end of the file - Save (If you have permission problem to save the file, please copy the file out to another folder. After changing, copy the saved file back to the original folder. If the permission is still denied, please give your system administrator to update the files.) - Update file ellipse.txt - Open ellipse.txt - Add string "GCS_Moon_2000, 1737400.0, 1737400.0" to the end of the file - Save (take care of the permission problem as above) - Update file map_proj.txt - Open map_proj.txt - Add string "31, 1737400.0, 1737400.0, 90.000000, 0.000000, 0., 0., Moon North Polar Stereographic" to the end of the file - Save (take care of the permission problem as above) - Restarting ENVI will update the changes in the map projections. 2. Open the file in ENVI and edit the map information in the image header (take LDRM_75N_240M.IMG as an example) - Open LDRM_75N_240M.IMG in ENVI 5.0 classic - Follow the instructions in the original blog post above to edit the map information - Select File > Edit ENVI Header and select the image. Click OK. - From Edit Attributes, choose Map Info. - Click Change Proj. - In the pop-up Projection Selection window - Choose the projection "Moon North Polar Stereographic " that was defined in the first step - Choose D_Moon_2000 as the projection datum for the lunar product. - Use meter as units - Click OK - We go back to the Edit Map Information dialog. In this dialog, enter values from the label. For example, image coordinate x,y of 1905.6, 1905.6 (the projection center of this product) might be 0,0 with pixel size of 240 m/pixel. Click OK to save map information and OK to save header. - You can follow the same operations in step 2 to edit the map information of the JP2000 products, E.g., LDRM_75N_240M.JP2. This JP2000 product has the same product ID with LDRM_75N_240M.img. ENVI will treat them with the same *.hdr file. If both JP2 and IMG file are saved in the same folder, ENVI will have problem to open both files together. Either save them to different folders or change one of the file names will solve the conflict.
User pmishra
Sep 25 2013 11:59 PM
Hi June, In step 2, of Edit Map information dialogue, I have put map coordinates as 90 N and 0 E. Is it correct? Thanks Pooja
User pmishra
Sep 26 2013 12:07 AM
Hi June, Could you please tell the procedure to open and process this data in ArcGIS also. Thanks Pooja
User June Wang
Sep 26 2013 09:15 AM
Hi Pooja, 1) Regarding your question in step 2 -No. Since you already changed the map projection to the "Moon North Polar Stereographic", and the unit is meter. Even you put 90N and 0 E there, ENVI will interpolate this number as x = 0 m and y = 90m instead of degrees. Also it is kind of tricky. The pole actually corresponds to Lat 90, and Lon in [0, 360] or [-180, 180]. 2) Opening JP2000 map products in ArcGIS is straight forward. Using File->Open or directly dragging the file to the map window will work. ArcGIS will read those map projection parameters automatically. As for the PDS IMG data, ESRI mentioned in the following link that ArcGIS 10.1 supports some PDS 16-bit signed integer data, but still no multiband support. http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#//009t0000000q000000. Trent at USGS also had a post about HiRISE PDS DEMs and ArcMap 10.x in the following link. https://isis.astrogeology.usgs.gov/IsisSupport/index.php?topic=3440.0. My suggestion is if your PDS img is not recognized by ArcGIS, try to convert the PDS IMG to an ENVI format, then ArcGIS will read the data in ENVI format. Please let me know if you need more help. Thanks, June
Assigning Map Information to PDS Images in ENVI
in Working with PDS data
A group blog by PDS Geo in General
User Shashwat Shukla
Apr 12 2017 05:07 AM
User June Wang
Apr 12 2017 02:23 PM
User Shashwat Shukla
Apr 13 2017 12:55 AM
User June Wang
Apr 13 2017 03:59 PM
User June Wang
Apr 13 2017 04:02 PM
User Shashwat Shukla
Apr 15 2017 04:57 AM
User June Wang
Apr 17 2017 06:51 AM