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Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover RIMFAX data


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Hi everyone,

I am a new researcher in the planetary data field. For my research purpose, I am planning to analyze Mars soil characteristics using the GPR data.  How to analyze RIMFAX data to plot radiogram of dielectric characteristics Vs. depth. If any tutorial or video is available to start my analyze, please share.

Thank you very much,



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A direct message with this question was answered earlier today. Here is the response, made available to others who might have the same question.


Please take a look at the RIMFAX Calibrated Data Record (CDR) Software Interface Specification (SIS) document that describes the format and content of the RIMFAX data products. You can find it in the archive bundle or in the Mars 2020 Analyst's Notebook (https://an.rsl.wustl.edu/m20). The attached screen shot shows how to find the document in the Notebook. Let me know if you have any questions.



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