Dan Scholes Posted May 18, 2011 Posted May 18, 2011 The PDS Geosciences Node has opened the Oribital Data Explorer v3.0 beta to the public for review. The Orbital Data Explorer v3.0 Beta uses the same database as the live ODE website, so the same PDS data products are available through both the live and beta websites. The Orbital Data Explorer v3.0 Beta provides new functions including: True product search on coverage - the current ODE websites rely on location searches base on PDS product center points. New map search interface Product detail pages of map projected PDS products include a map context display of the individual product on a base map Beta Website Tutorials: ODE Beta Search and Download Tutorial (pdf) Using the new ODE Beta Map Interface Tutorial (pdf) Report a problem you encounter or provide a suggestion Your feedback is valuable as we work to improve the Orbital Data Explorer v3.0. If you encounter an error, try to provide as much detail as possible including: the date and time of the problem, your web browser type and operating system, any screen captures (if possible), and a description of the problem. Also, feel free to provide suggestions to improve the website that would help your research. Send the feedback to odewebmaster@wunder.wustl.edu. List of documented errors and issues with the current beta version Id Description Status 1 Occasionally, an error alert box is displayed when loading the map page in Microsoft Internet Explorer. Under Review 2 Product footprints that are very small and not visible until the user zoom in close. We are considering various options to resolve any confusion caused by this behavior. Under Review 3 The new map system does not include map layers for Special Product Data Sets (Non-PDS), such as the derived files to support the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) landing site selection. Under Review 4 The individual product detail page's map context display does not zoom to the product's footprint for north and south polar products. Working on a resolution 5 The combined map layer for all MRO CRISM TRDR & DDR products is currently unavailable. The MOC WASDP map layer is also temporarily unavailable. Working on a resolution
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