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I apologize upfront if this is not the right place to ask but I have checked the SEIS documentation already and could not find the details I am looking for.

I am working with the Insight SEIS data, mostly VBB 10 Hz (station code =03) and 20 Hz (station code =02) (channels BHU,BHV,BHW) and I am setting up my python code to download the data directly here from the PDS server. The mseed files for the terrestrial days are named as:  xb.elyse.'station_code'.'channel'.'year'.'day'.'number'.mseed .

Exemplary url: https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/insight/urn-nasa-pds-insight_seis/data/xb/continuous_waveform/elyse/2019/042/xb.elyse.03.bhu.2019.042.11.mseed

My problem is that I do not know where the number (takes arbitrary integers between 1-15?) in the naming comes from and where I can obtain it for each file beforehand without having to loop an arbitrary amount of urls until I got the correct number for each file.

Thank you very much in advance.

Kevin Growe


Hi Kevin,

The file naming scheme is documented in the InSight SEIS Software Interface Specification section (https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/insight/urn-nasa-pds-insight_documents/document_seis/seis_sis.pdf). The number you indicate in the file name is the revision of the miniSEED file. This is the revision internal to the SEIS science team, as they may go through several revisions before the data file is delivered to PDS. If we receive multiple products for which everything in the file name is the same except this revision number, we consider them to be separate products and we archive them all.

You ask how to know the revision number ahead of time. You'll find a list of all the products in a collection in the collection inventory. For the SEIS data_seed collection, which includes the SEED and miniSEED files, the collection inventory is here: 


As you may know from reading the documentation, every SEED or miniSEED file has an equivalent ASCII text file. The ASCII-equivalent file for a SEED product is a StationXML file. The ASCII-equivalent file for a miniSEED product is a GeoCSV file. These are in the data_table collection, and its collection inventory is here:


In these inventories, you'll see that each product is listed by its unique Logical Identifier with Version Identifier (LIDVID), like this:

The "P" means this product is a primary member of the collection. You can ignore it. The final "::1.1" is the Version Identifier (VID). This is the PDS version number, which is unrelated to the SEIS internal revision number discussed above. The first PDS version of every product is 1.0. In this example, 1.1 indicates that there has been a minor revision, probably a change to the PDS label. 

The inventory does not include the directory path to each file, but you can figure it out. For example, from the product identifier xb.elyse.03.bhu.2019.042.11, you can assume that product is found in the directory data/xb/continuous_waveform/elyse/2019/042/. Both the miniSEED file and the ASCII-equivalent file are in that directory, along with their PDS labels in XML files. 

I hope this helps.

Susan Slavney



Hi Susan,

this helps indeed a lot, thank you so much!

Now I have two follow-up question:

1. Shouldn't there be dataless seed files and the equivalent stationxmls for each terrestrial day in '/data/xb/metadata/elyse/' , instead there are the files for a few days only, or are these files cumulative over time meaning that for example 'dataless.xb.elyse.2019.333.seed' contains the information for all the days up to day 333 in 2019 ?  

2. is there any specific order in the collection_data_seed_inventory.csv file, apart from the 'station name'? The order of 'location code' and channel-ID seems rather random. 

Thanks again, also for the fast reply!

Best regards

Kevin Growe



There is a one-to-many mapping from dataless SEED files (and StationXML files) to the miniSEED files (and GeoCSV files). In the PDS label for each miniSEED file there is a pointer to the dataless SEED that was delivered with it. Look for the attribute <insight:metadata_file_name>.  The dataless SEED files are cumulative, and you are encouraged always to use the latest ones, even if the label indicates an earlier version.

The collection inventory is not guaranteed to be in any particular order, although typically new files are added to the bottom with each delivery.  

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