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PDS Geosciences Node Community

Susie Slavney

Geo Staff
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Posts posted by Susie Slavney

  1. I assume you are referring to the Lunar Prospector processed GRS data, PDS data set ID LP-L-GRS-3-RDR-V1.0. These are binary tables. You will need to write software to read them. Each data file is accompanied by a PDS label file with the same name but with the extension .LBL. The label file describes the format of the binary table. A general description of the GRS data is in the document LP_GRNS_SUMMARY.PDF.

  2. Release 2 of Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) data includes new raw and derived products acquired on sols 90 through 179 (November 6, 2012 through February 3, 2013). The release also includes revisions of most previously released products through sol 89. The data are available through PDS web sites, starting at the Geosciences Node MSL page. The MSL Analyst's Notebook is a useful tool for searching, browsing, and downloading MSL products.

  3. Data from Release 13 of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission are now
    online. This release includes data acquired between September 15 and
    December 14, 2012, for most instruments. No Mini-RF or Radio Science data are included
    in this release. Direct links to the LRO archives are on the PDS Geosciences Node LRO web page, and tools for searching, displaying and downloading selected data products are available through the Lunar Orbital Data Explorer.

  4. Release 9 of data from the MESSENGER Mission to Mercury is online at the PDS Geosciences Node. This release includes raw and calibrated data for the XRS, MLA, GRS, NS, MASCS, and Radio Science data at the Geosciences Node, as well as MAG, EPPS, and MDIS data at other PDS nodes. This is also the first release to include highly derived data products from most instruments. See the AAREADME.TXT and ERRATA.TXT documents in the top directory of each archive.


  5. The first release of data from the Mars Science Laboratory rover, Curiosity, is now online at the PDS Geosciences Node. This release takes place in two parts. Part 1, released February 27, 2013, includes raw data products (EDRs) acquired on sols 0 through 89 (August 6 through November 5, 2012) for these instruments: APXS, ChemCam, DAN, Hazcam, Navcam, and REMS, along with SPICE data.


    Part 2, to be released March 20, 2013, will included the derived data products (RDRs) for sols 0-89 for the above instruments, along with both EDRs and RDRs for the CheMin and RAD instruments, and RDRs for SAM.


    Release 1 does not include data from the the MAHLI, MARDI, and Mastcam instruments. These instrument teams have not yet delivered data to PDS.


  6. The first release of data from the GRAIL lunar mission is now online at the PDS Geosciences Node. This release includes raw and calibrated data from the Lunar Gravity and Ranging System (LGRS) on each of the two GRAIL spacecraft, and raw radio science data. The second and final release of GRAIL data, scheduled for October 2013, will include lunar gravitational field data derived from the raw and calibrated data. The GRAIL mission ended on December 17, 2012, with a controlled impact of both spacecraft on the lunar surface.

  7. Data from Release 12 of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission are now online. This release includes data acquired between June 15 and September 14, 2012, for most instruments. No Mini-RF data are included in this release. Radio Science data are included in this release. Direct links to the LRO archives are on the PDS Geosciences Node LRO web page, and tools for searching, displaying and downloading selected data products are available through the Lunar Orbital Data Explorer.

  8. Data from Release 11 of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission are now online. This release includes data acquired between March 15 and June 14, 2012, for most instruments. No Mini-RF or Radio Science data are included in this release. Direct links to the LRO archives are on the PDS Geosciences Node LRO web page, and tools for searching, displaying and downloading selected data products are available through the Lunar Orbital Data Explorer.

  9. The PDS Geosciences Spectral Library is a collection of measurements of Earth, lunar, and meteorite materials to be used to compare to flight measurements. The collection includes the MRO CRISM Spectral Library and contributions from individual investigators. The spectral library may be searched by specimen name, provenance, classification, texture, composition, and other parameters. Data may be plotted online and downloaded via a shopping-cart interface.


    Questions and comments about the Spectral Library may be posted to the forum Using the Spectral Library.

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