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Working with PDS data

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Tips and how-to guides on working with PDS data

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Assigning Map Information to PDS Images in ENVI

In ENVI, you can assign map information to a PDS image based on values from the PDS label.   1. Download an image and corresponding PDS label file (.lbl extension) to the same directory. 2. Open the image in ENVI. It will not be map projected. 3. Select File > Edit ENVI Header and select the image. Click OK. 4. From Edit Attributes, choose Map Info... 5. Click Change Proj. 6. Unless you already have the correct lunar projection, create a new one (steps below assume projection does not

Jennifer Ward

Jennifer Ward

Getting ENVI to open your PDS image correctly

Applies to ITT ENVI image processing software versions 4.8 and earlier.   PDS images do not always open correctly in ENVI because of a bug in ENVI's PDS image reader. A fix is promised with the ENVI 5.0 release. In the meantime, here is a workaround for the problem.   Step 1. Get the correct image information from the PDS label.   The PDS label describes the image data. You will need to determine the following values from the PDS label: Image offset (in bytes) Number of samples and

Tom Stein

Tom Stein

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