function browse_product() % Usage: % browse_product() % Nathan Weinstein, Weizmann Institute of Science, 2023 % % Feel free to reach me out: % % summary_params_names = select_bands(); function summary_params_names = select_bands() list = {'SINDEX2', 'D2300', 'BD1900_2'}; % more in future... RGB = {'Red', 'Green', 'Blue'}; summary_params_names = cell(size(RGB)); for i = 1:length(RGB) [idx, tf] = listdlg('ListString', list,... 'PromptString', [RGB(i), ' channel'],... 'SelectionMode', 'single',... 'InitialValue', 1,... 'Name', 'Select RGB summary params',... 'ListSize', [160, 300],... 'OKString', 'Apply'); if ~tf; disp('Canceled'); return; end summary_params_names(i) = list(idx); % selected summary params % remove the selected from the list: list(1) = []; end end assert(length(summary_params_names) == 1 || length(summary_params_names) == 3, 'Invalid number of bands. Must be 1 or 3.') option_1 = 'Load SU/SR'; option_2 = 'Calculate on IF cube'; option_3 = 'Calculate Lab Reference'; opt.Default = option_2; opt.Interpreter = 'tex'; answer = questdlg('\fontname{Calibri} \fontsize{15} Load pre-calculated SU/SR summary parameters, or calculate them?', '', option_1, option_2, option_3, opt); if strcmpi(answer, option_1) [filename, path] = uigetfile({'*su*.hdr;*sr*.hdr'}, 'Select SR or SU Scene'); filepath = fullfile(path, filename); header = enviinfo(filepath); nBands = header.Bands; bands = 1:nBands; hcube = hypercube(filepath, bands); summary_params = get_bands(hcube, summary_params_names); elseif strcmpi(answer, option_2) hcube = load_scene(); metadata = hcube.Metadata; answer = questdlg('Exact Reflectance or Median?', '', 'Exact', 'Median', 'Exact'); if strcmpi(answer, 'Exact') cube_datatype = 'SU'; elseif strcmpi(answer, 'Median') cube_datatype = 'SR'; end metadata.cube_datatype = cube_datatype; hcube = hypercube(hcube.DataCube, hcube.Wavelength, metadata); summary_params = calc_summary_parameters(summary_params_names, hcube); elseif strcmpi(answer, option_3) speclib = load_speclib(); mineral = name_enter(speclib); wavelength = column_data(speclib, 'Wavelength'); reflectance = column_data(speclib, mineral); wavelength = nm2um_cube(wavelength); libData.Wavelength = wavelength; libData.Reflectance = reflectance; summary_params = calc_summary_parameters(summary_params_names, libData); img = concatenate_bands(summary_params); figure(); image(img); axis image return end summary_params = ignore_values(summary_params, hcube.Metadata.DataIgnoreValue); summary_params = bands2double(summary_params); stretch_params = input_stretch(summary_params_names); function stretch_params = input_stretch(summary_params_names) prompt = {[summary_params_names{1}, ' (Red; default)'],... [summary_params_names{2}, ' (Green; default)'],... [summary_params_names{3}, ' (Blue; default)']}; definput = {'0.003, 0.020', '0.010, 0.038', '0.028, 0.058'}; opts.Interpreter = 'none'; opts.Resize = 'on'; answer = inputdlg(prompt, 'Select strecth params for the RGB channels', [3, 50], definput, opts); if(isempty(answer) || isempty(answer{1})); disp('Canceled'); return; end stretch_params = cellfun(@(x) str2double(x), cellfun(@(x) strsplit(x, ', '), answer, 'UniformOutput', false), 'UniformOutput', false); stretch_params = stretch_params'; end summary_params = stretch(summary_params, stretch_params); img = concatenate_bands(summary_params); figure(); image(img); axis image end function summary_params = calc_summary_parameters(summary_params_names, hcube) summary_params = cellfun(@(x) calc_summary_parameter(x, hcube), summary_params_names, 'UniformOutput', false); end function summary_param = calc_summary_parameter(summary_params_names, hcube) if ~exist('hcube', 'var') hcube = load_scene(); end if isobject(hcube) hcube = nm2um_cube(hcube); end switch summary_params_names case 'SINDEX2' summary_param = sindex2(hcube); case 'D2300' summary_param = bd2300(hcube); case 'BD1900_2' summary_param = bd1900_2(hcube); end function summary_param = sindex2(hcube) % Inverse Band Depth Parameter wl_S = 2.120; wl_C = 2.290; wl_L = 2.400; summary_param = band_depth(hcube, wl_S, wl_C, wl_L, 'Inverse'); % checks: % squeeze(hcube.DataCube(2, 32, gama_S_i-n:gama_S_i+n)) % squeeze(hcube.DataCube(2, 32, gama_S_i)) % hcube.Wavelength(gama_S_i) % hcube.Wavelength(gama_C_i) % hcube.Wavelength(gama_L_i-n:gama_L_i+n) % check = hcube.Wavelength(index) end function summary_param = bd2300(hcube) W1815 = 1.815; W2120 = 2.120; W2170 = 2.170; W2210 = 2.210; W2290 = 2.290; W2320 = 2.320; W2330 = 2.330; W2530 = 2.530; % retrieve the CRISM wavelengths nearest the requested % values: [~, W1815_i] = get_wavelength(hcube.Wavelength, W1815); [~, W2120_i] = get_wavelength(hcube.Wavelength, W2120); [~, W2170_i] = get_wavelength(hcube.Wavelength, W2170); [~, W2210_i] = get_wavelength(hcube.Wavelength, W2210); [~, W2290_i] = get_wavelength(hcube.Wavelength, W2290); [~, W2320_i] = get_wavelength(hcube.Wavelength, W2320); [~, W2330_i] = get_wavelength(hcube.Wavelength, W2330); [~, W2530_i] = get_wavelength(hcube.Wavelength, W2530); % extract individual channels: if isobject(hcube) if strcmpi(hcube.Metadata.cube_datatype, 'SU') % for producing SU cube: R1815 = hcube.DataCube(:, :, W1815_i); R2120 = hcube.DataCube(:, :, W2120_i); R2170 = hcube.DataCube(:, :, W2170_i); R2210 = hcube.DataCube(:, :, W2210_i); R2290 = hcube.DataCube(:, :, W2290_i); R2320 = hcube.DataCube(:, :, W2320_i); R2330 = hcube.DataCube(:, :, W2330_i); R2530 = hcube.DataCube(:, :, W2530_i); elseif strcmpi(hcube.Metadata.cube_datatype, 'SR') % for SR cube: R1815 = median_reflectance(hcube, W1815_i, 5); R2120 = median_reflectance(hcube, W2120_i, 5); R2170 = median_reflectance(hcube, W2170_i, 5); R2210 = median_reflectance(hcube, W2210_i, 5); R2290 = median_reflectance(hcube, W2290_i, 3); R2320 = median_reflectance(hcube, W2320_i, 3); R2330 = median_reflectance(hcube, W2330_i, 3); R2530 = median_reflectance(hcube, W2530_i, 5); end else % for lab reference: R1815 = hcube.Reflectance(W1815_i); R2120 = hcube.Reflectance(W2120_i); R2170 = hcube.Reflectance(W2170_i); R2210 = hcube.Reflectance(W2210_i); R2290 = hcube.Reflectance(W2290_i); R2320 = hcube.Reflectance(W2320_i); R2330 = hcube.Reflectance(W2330_i); R2530 = hcube.Reflectance(W2530_i); end % compute the interpolated continuum values at selected wavelengths between 1815 and 2530 slope = ( R2530 - R1815 ) ./ ( W2530 - W1815 ); CR2120 = R1815 + slope .* ( W2120 - W1815 ); CR2170 = R1815 + slope .* ( W2170 - W1815 ); CR2210 = R1815 + slope .* ( W2210 - W1815 ); CR2290 = R1815 + slope .* ( W2290 - W1815 ); CR2320 = R1815 + slope .* ( W2320 - W1815 ); CR2330 = R1815 + slope .* ( W2330 - W1815 ); summary_param = 1 - (((R2290 ./ CR2290) + (R2320 ./ CR2320) + (R2330 ./ CR2330)) ./ ... ((R2120 ./ CR2120) + (R2170 ./ CR2170) + (R2210 ./ CR2210))); end function summary_param = bd1900_2(hcube) % Band Depth Parameter wl_S = 1.850; wl_C = 1.930; wl_L = 2.067; A = band_depth(hcube, wl_S, wl_C, wl_L); wl_S = 1.850; wl_C = 1.985; wl_L = 2.067; B = band_depth(hcube, wl_S, wl_C, wl_L); summary_param = 0.5 * A + 0.5 * B; end function BD = band_depth(hcube, wl_S, wl_C, wl_L, inverse) [~, wl_S_i] = get_wavelength(hcube.Wavelength, wl_S); [~, wl_C_i] = get_wavelength(hcube.Wavelength, wl_C); [~, wl_L_i] = get_wavelength(hcube.Wavelength, wl_L); if isobject(hcube) if strcmpi(hcube.Metadata.cube_datatype, 'SU') % for producing SU cube R_S = hcube.DataCube(:, :, wl_S_i); R_C = hcube.DataCube(:, :, wl_C_i); R_L = hcube.DataCube(:, :, wl_L_i); elseif strcmpi(hcube.Metadata.cube_datatype, 'SR') % for SR cube: R_S = median_reflectance(hcube, wl_S_i, 5); R_C = median_reflectance(hcube, wl_C_i, 7); R_L = median_reflectance(hcube, wl_L_i, 3); end else % for lab reference: R_S = hcube.Reflectance(wl_S_i); R_C = hcube.Reflectance(wl_C_i); R_L = hcube.Reflectance(wl_L_i); end % BD: b = (wl_C - wl_S) / (wl_L - wl_S); a = 1 - b; if exist('inverse', 'var') && strcmpi(inverse, 'Inverse') BD = 1 - (((a .* R_S) + (b .* R_L)) ./ R_C); else BD = 1 - (R_C ./ ( a * R_S + b * R_L)); end end end function [val, idx] = get_wavelength(wavelengths, wl) if isobject(wavelengths) wavelengths = wavelengths.Wavelength; end [val, idx] = min(abs(wavelengths - wl)); end function R = median_reflectance(hcube, R_idx, kernel_width) % minidx = (R_indx - half_width) > 0 % clamp to 0 if R-half_width is less than 0 % maxidx = (R_indx + half_width) < (n_elements(wvt)-1) % clamp to max index if R+half_width is past the end half_width = fix(kernel_width / 2); minidx = (R_idx - half_width); maxidx = (R_idx + half_width); if isobject(hcube) subcube = hcube.DataCube(:, :, minidx:maxidx); else subcube = hcube.Reflectance(minidx:maxidx); end % % boxcar = ones(1, 1, kernel_width)/kernel_width; % % R = conv(subcube, boxcar, 'same'); % % % R = smoothdata(subcube, 3, 'movmean', kernel_width, 'omitnan'); % % R = R(:, :, ceil(size(R,3)/2)); R = median(subcube, 3); % R = subcube; end function bands = get_bands(hcube, bands_to_load) % bands = cell(1, length(bands_to_load)); % for i = 1:length(bands_to_load) % bands{i} = get_band(hcube, bands_to_load{i}); % end bands = cellfun(@(x) get_band(hcube, x), bands_to_load, 'UniformOutput', false); end function band = get_band(hcube, band_name) % get_DDR_slice % textdata = hcube.Metadata.BandNames; % expression = 'Latitude'; % todo: generalize to LBL relevant filed with tab delimited to use on X = % multibandread() % a = regexpi(hcube.Metadata.BandNames, band_name); % line = find(~ cellfun(@isempty, a)); % band_i = line; band_i = find(strcmp(hcube.Metadata.BandNames, band_name)); band = hcube.DataCube(:, :, band_i); end function A = ignore_values(A, ignore_value, whattobe) if ~exist("whattobe", 'var') whattobe = NaN; end A = cellfun(@(x) ignore_values_helper(x, ignore_value, whattobe), A, 'UniformOutput', false); end function A = ignore_values_helper(A, a, b) A(A == a) = b; end function bands = bands2double(bands) bands = cellfun(@im2double, bands, 'UniformOutput', false); end function bands = stretch(bands, stretch_params) % bands = arrayfun(@(i) imadjust(bands{i}, stretch_params{i}), 1:length(bands), 'UniformOutput', false); bands = cellfun(@(band, stretch) imadjust(band, stretch), bands, stretch_params, 'UniformOutput', false); end function img = concatenate_bands(bands) % img = cat(3, bands{1}, bands{2}, bands{3}); img = cat(3, bands{:}); % Or generaly: % function img = concatenate_bands(bands) % img = bands{1}; % for i = 2:length(bands) % img = cat(3, img, bands{i}); % end % end end function speclib = load_speclib(option) % load Spectral Library (should be resampled before to the hcube wavelengths): arguments option.speclib_path (1, :) char = '' end if ~ strcmpi(option.speclib_path, "") speclib = importdata(option.speclib_path); else speclib_folder = 'Spectral Libraries'; filename = 'Sulfates and Sulfite'; [filename, path] = uigetfile('*.txt', 'Select Input Spectral Library - ASCII', [speclib_folder, '\', filename]); if isequal(path, 0); speclib = 0; disp('Canceled or aborted'); return; end speclib = importdata(fullfile(path, filename)); end end function varargout = column_data(ASCII, column_name_or_i) % function [data, i, name] = column_data(ASCII, column_name_or_i) % get data from column % [i, name] = findASCIIcolumn_i_name(ASCII, column_name_or_i); [varargout{1}, varargout{2}] = findASCIIcolumn_i_name(ASCII, column_name_or_i); a = varargout{1}; data =, a); varargout = [{data}, varargout]; end function varargout = findASCIIcolumn_i_name(ASCII, column_name_or_i) % function [i, line_num, name] = findASCIIcolumn_i_name(ASCII, column_name_or_i) % find column #: textdata = ASCII.textdata; if ischar(column_name_or_i) expression = [': *', column_name_or_i]; % later it takes the index of one before ':' char to extract the column # a = regexpi(textdata, expression); line_num = find(~ cellfun(@isempty, a)); a = a{line_num}; line = textdata{line_num}; i = str2double(line(a - 1)); varargout{2} = line_num; elseif isa(column_name_or_i, 'double') line = textdata{column_name_or_i}; i = column_name_or_i; % words = split(line); % b = contains(words, ':'); % name = words{find(b) + 1}; idx = strfind(line, ':'); name = line(idx + 2:end); varargout{2} = name; end % words = split(line); % b = contains(words, ':'); % name = words{find(b) + 1}; varargout{1} = i; end function [mineralname, mineral_lab_name] = name_enter(speclib, option) % answer = inputdlg('Mineral Name of spectrum:', 'Input'); % if(isempty(answer) || isempty(answer{1})); disp('Canceled, aborted or empty string'); return; end % mineralname = answer{1}; arguments speclib (1, 1) struct option.results (1, :) string = '' end textdata = speclib.textdata; % remove non relevants: [~, line_num] = findASCIIcolumn_i_name(speclib, 'Wavelength'); textdata(1:line_num) = []; % find minerals names: expression = 'Column\s\d:\s?(?[a-zA-Z]+)_?'; % find mineral name (substring) in a a string minerals = regexpi(textdata, expression, 'names'); minerals = cellfun(@(minerals) char(minerals.mineral), minerals, 'UniformOutput', false); % extract names if ~ strcmpi(option.results, "") results_name = option.results; A = cellfun(@(minerals) strfind(lower(results_name), lower(minerals)), minerals, 'UniformOutput', false); % extract names B = cellfun(@(A) ~ isempty(A), A); mineralname = minerals{B}; line = textdata{B}; idx = strfind(line, ':'); mineral_lab_name = line(idx + 2:end); return end % list dialog: [indx, tf] = listdlg('PromptString', {'Select a mineral.', ... 'Only one mineral can be selected at a time.', ''}, ... 'SelectionMode', 'single', ... 'ListString', minerals); if isequal(tf, 0); mineralname = 0; disp('Canceled or aborted'); return; end mineralname = minerals{indx}; line = textdata{indx}; idx = strfind(line, ':'); mineral_lab_name = line(idx + 2:end); % mineral_lab_name = ''; end function hcube = load_scene(filepath) % load scene: if ~exist("filepath", 'var') [filename, path] = uigetfile({'*if*.img'}, 'Select Scene'); if isequal(path, 0); disp('Canceled or aborted'); return; end filepath = fullfile(path, filename); end hcube = hypercube(filepath); end function hcube_or_wave = nm2um_cube(hcube_or_wave) if isobject(hcube_or_wave) % wavelength == hcube... wavelength = hcube_or_wave.Wavelength; else wavelength = hcube_or_wave; end if min(wavelength) >= 100 if isobject(hcube_or_wave) % wavelength == hcube... % if strcmp(hcube_or_wave.Metadata.WavelengthUnits, 'Nanometers') metadata = hcube_or_wave.Metadata; Wavelength_um = wavelength ./ 1000; % values convertion metadata.WavelengthUnits = 'Micrometers'; % units convertion hcube_or_wave = hypercube(hcube_or_wave.DataCube, Wavelength_um, metadata); else hcube_or_wave = wavelength / 1000; end end end